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After a fairly plot heavy set of scenes it's finally time to cut loose and have some fun again. Chapter 2 page 17 is where we see what it looks like when the Osraseer go to war. It's a whirl of chaotic energies, shifting forms, and confusion. 

As usual there are some changes from these rough designs to the page. Some good....some questionable. Xaun's tiger mount's mouth energy cannon being one iffy change. I used yellow and orange on the "bar" sections to help it stand out against the largely green body of the mech-beast. At the time, and in retrospect, it looks like it has a mouth full of cigarettes and is arming a bevy of Dragonballs. Xaun's Gau-cats also got a spike at the end of their gatling cannon barrels. The sword head cat isn't planned to make an appearance anytime soon. Golg's design is largely obscured in it's comic debut. That is unfortunate. But, I really didn't want to spend a whole week on splash pages....which is pretty much what the week of 17 and 18 turned out as anyway. 



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