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Just a reminder dear patrons, Astray3 will be going on a working break after this week. There won't be any charges until the comic returns in March. But, in the interim, I'll be posting some sneak peeks and additional content exclusive to Patreon contributors. Stay tuned! 




Thanks. Indeed, if facial lines aren't handled just right they do tend to make characters look older. It usually has to do with how the lines are connected to other face elements. Like how the cheek/smile lines attach to the nose. A tip on handling them would be to focus on the deeper facial shadows rather than the 'creases' formed by expressions. That will help you focus on the major expression characteristics and minimize clutter. I do study faces a lot and I strive to inject the right amount of emotion into a scene. It's hard work, especially when working without photo reference. But, drawing characters whose expressions and acting feel genuine is very rewarding to me.