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So, here is a poll just for you paragons of patronage. I'd like to offer some more perks in 2018; to entice more contributors. So, since you are already patrons, what do you like to see in a Patreon campaign? I can't offer a lot of extra content. But, if you'll take this short poll I'll know what to focus on. 

If the poll doesn't mention a feature you'd like to see on the Astray3 Patreon, please comment below. If possible, direct me to the campaign that you saw said feature implemented. The information would be much appreciated. 

Thank you for your time and consideration,




As a fellow artist, I am always interested in process stuff. For me personally, I don't feel like you need to do anything else here at this time if it's going to be too much work.


That maybe all I can offer. I've been working on some ways to produce more artwork. Also, with the break coming up there maybe a bit of extra time to toss out some goodies. Mainly, the poll is to get a feel for what patrons would like to see and expect.


Thanks for replying. Mainly looking for a way to attract more patrons. ( And yup, additional income. ) Looks like the supplemental material option has won the most votes. That wouldn't be so hard to implement. I have to create that stuff anyway.