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Greetings you brave and happy few Astray3 patrons. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for contributing to my little graphic misadventure. Your support means a lot to me. And I hope you'll continue to find A3 a worthy endeavor to invest in as we stride into 2018. 

2017 was a mixed bag for yours truly. It was a year filled with triumph, horrible coincidences, rattled nerves, and family tragedies. Truthfully, I picked a terrible time to relaunch this life consuming monster. But, I do not regret it. 

I'm proud of what I've created so far and believe Astray3 is a story worth telling. Sure, It's not always perfect. And yes, I still kick myself for falling short of the intended vision. Yet, that is all part of the process. The only important thing is to keep pressing onwards and upwards. Cause you can't reach the summit if you don't start climbing. ( I need to find a different metaphor. Now, I'm thinking of frozen corpses on the slopes of comic mountain. )

So, with several months of updates behind us, let's reflect a bit on the previous year. 2017 for Astray3 has largely been about laying the foundation for our protagonist. I always felt this was something missing in the old A3. Emily's dissatisfaction was largely baseless. Her pathos during the story seemed shallow and mawkish. That's why I feebly tried to do a rewrite during the last run. Alas, that was impossible while trying to keep the comic moving forward at the same time. One of the reasons for the reboot. 

I do suspect that this is not what old fans were looking for in the comic's return. A whole bunch of mundane drama. Well, I'm happy to announce that Astray3 will be returning to form in 2018. 

2018 is going to be wild. A year full of new faces and old friends ( with some slightly newer faces. ) Plus, we are going to answer some questions that were left hanging in the previous iteration. Yes, Astray3 is back bigger and better than ever. ( And I'll finally be able to draw fun stuff again. )

Now, for some more practical issues. First, I'm going to try to expand my services on Patreon and be more interactive with the audience. Astray3 is a monster of a project. Keeping up with page production alone consumes the majority of my free time. That doesn't leave much room for creating supplementary material nor community outreach. But, I also understand that  those are the things that keep readers engaged. ( Maybe even toss some shekels my way. ) To that end, I'll be posting a few polls/surveys to feel out the audience. Also, feel free to comment on this topic if anything immediately comes to mind. 

Second, there will be a break coming up. The current run will end about mid-January. After that, there will be a one to two month break while I rebuild the buffer. Patreon patrons will not be charged during this break. The comic should be back in full force no later than March 1st. ( Sooner than that if I can help it. ) It is my goal to reach at least page 100 by the end of 2018.  So, don't expect too many breaks during the year. 

And that wraps up this update. Once again, my sincerest gratitude to all of you who have contributed during 2017. Let's make 2018 a banner year for Astray3. 

All the best, 

Eldon Cowgur



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