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Readers have been finding typos in recent pages. If you see anything don't hesitate to speak up. I'll correct the errors asap. Plus, as the year winds down, I'll be making an announcement about plans for 2018 soon. ( Maybe a survey or two. ) 2018 is going to be a big year for Astray3.




I did work professionally as a comic artist for a couple of years. And frankly, I wasn't prepared for it at the time. No confidence in my work and turned in a lackluster product. This coincidentally, was when the first run of Astray3 ended. I was a neurotic wreck at the time. So much so, that I've only recently recovered enough to do the webcomic again. As for returning to professional work, I have mixed feelings. I love comics as a medium. I'm compelled to make them. But, I'm not interested in comic books themselves. Kind of strange I know. But, producing another writer's scripts doesn't appeal to me at all. So, I'd rather focus on my own ambitions. Even if I never earn a full living off of the work, I'm committed to telling the full story of Astray3. We will see how it goes though. As for posters and other tchotchkes, those are on the slate for this coming year. I haven't gone near Deviant Art. Don't know if that would be a viable outlet for the comic. I'm considering joining a Webcomic collective once the Astray3 hits 50 comics. As a way to spread the word to a more dedicated webcomic audience. I'll have to investigate that a bit more when the time approaches. If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.