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And here we go ladies and gentlemen! The new Astray3 has begun!


(no title)

This comic was posted in Chapter 1: Static. Yes, in one short week Astray3 will return! It's been a long time, but the wait is almost over. Beginning on Oct. 2nd a new version of Astray3 will begin to unfurl.



It's a reboot for the most part. The new version will expand the the characters and lore. But, it'll continue along the same path as the previous version. So, old questions will be answered in due course.


I know that the news is a bit disappointing to old fans. I completely understand. Reading through the Astray3 TVtropes article really touches and depresses me. Readers actually dedicated time to recording the mish-mash of ideas that represented the old version. Feels like I'm betraying that investment by rebooting the story. But, I hope to make it up to you guys. I have some pretty epic stuff in store.