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With the legs library release last week, I kicked off Necrovember, and today, we have the first release of Space Zombies: Two libraries, with the big basic library also available for commercial use with lots of parts to create all your little space zombie models you need on your gaming table!

The two libraries can be downloaded for free from cults:

One small squad of Space Zombies is also available:

Make sure to show off your creations on our discord server!

I introduced a welcome poll that is sent to every new patron to get a better feeling what you need and want, and all of you can (if you want) participate, too. It should be really short and I'd be happy to see your answers to improve my patreon: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSgIJ4Iuak5NHwkY-9zPlRzA8Tf-Q_QR52nU8UjGX16HLDPg/viewform

The roadmap for Necrovember is:

- Today: Space Zombie basic library + extra weapons library

- Monday, 14th: Start with the December poll

- Wednesday, 16th: 750 points army

- Friday, 18th: Flesh-Eaters library

- Wednesday, 23th: Terrain Library

- Friday, 25th: Robot Snakes library

- Wednesday, 30th: 750 points addon to the previous army release



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