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Hello guys I hope u all are fine, now I´ll tell u why im not as online as I was.

A few months ago Im had a chance to became a supervisor on the company Im working now so of course the pay is better but the responsabilities and all get bigger too, last week on january 2 they told to all the supervisors that there is a chance for next year to become a manager but we have to prove that we deserve that seat on the big chair so now I have to work overclocled and too much hours, 12 hours a day or 10 hours minimum i get up at 5am to get ready and get to work at 6:45am and I finish at 6:30pm or at 8 pm plus the time to arrive home the work is monday to saturday and sometimes sundays like tomorrow (yes tomorrow i have to go and work from 9 to 3) sundays are not always but sometimes is like that.

So Im really focus now on this, I never took this page as a work or something like that, Im honest the money I gain on patreon dont represent a big income 4 me, I spend most of the money to pay all the entrances to the cinema, improve on the black gloves and other little thing I do 4 this little community a few months ago I use to had more time even the weekend free so I used to spend the half of saturday and the hole sunday (arriving at 11am and leaving at 8 or 9pm) to bring u or try to bring u good clips, even had the time to answer u at least on sundays night or ina few days response but now 4 me is being to hard to keep with that rhythm I need to rest, I read ur comments but Im working or doing things 4 work so i forget to answer ur comments.

BUT thats why Im pretty sure that Im the only candid trample page that still charges 3 usd for full access I post the videos for all levels I dont ask or do like others comrades that each pledge levels give certain "exclusives" that the more u pay the better the videos are, I dont do that. there´s nothing wrong on doin it they have their reasons but not me.

Im telling u this because some are telling me that some vids are private or why Im so off or why I dont respond, to the private vids I didnt put them YT find something weird and sent me and advice telling me that they will put it in private, I have no time to reupload those videos specially when they are 1 year old or more.

But I will ask u now what u prefer that the price and style video stay like it is now that if u pay 3usd u get the videos or u prefer me to do like others to put differnt prices at different levels and the better the video is more u will have to pay,

Please tell me what u prefer if u prefer to stay like we are say stay same if u want me to change I can make the effort but I will ask 5 or 6 usd minimum only nto get some thing then if u pay 9usd u get something better and 17 if u want a full experience (faceshots and extrathings), if u want the second option tell me second option. (if u want this one of course I will be more online because u are paying more. is up to u guys

I will read ur votes in comments have a good night, take care and tomorrow new vid.

I almost forgot there was a guy that was texting me lit every single day about private videos and other things to the point that he threat me, I didnt answer him never but I read all his comments all the time until that last message I said ok he is exceeding the limit and I simply took him away from the patreon page I never in my 3 and a half years carrer here had to do that to someone but it was enough, just telling u guys u can ask me in a normal way u dont have to be kind and polite but dont threat me or insult me cause those thing are not good for anybody :) just tell me the things in a normal way just like if we knew each other, take care I read u tomorrow sunday,m have  a nice night.



Cheers bro your life is more important than this, i hope you will find some time to do more oldschool candid like last year


Work and life will always take priority ! And thank you for all you do for the community brother. The work is unique and appreciated.