Q&A: Jan 17th, 2024 (Patreon)
Mastiffio Asks
When making your mind up about a piece of media, be it films, movies, books and games, do you look at other people's reviews to help form your opinion? And do you a piece of media, that you reckon you wouldn't have given a chance and enjoyed, if you followed other people's opinion. I wouldn't have listened to Royal Blood's debut, off Fantano's negative review, being an idiot teen at the time of the album's release that took everything he said as the definitive opinion, and not giving anything he said was bad a chance.
Sometimes, I check things out based on what I've heard/seen from other people. Most recently, I've wanted to check out more of Spike Lee's films after F.D' Signifier's latest upload.
However, I generally avoid specific videos on pieces of media I'm interested in covering, as I don't want their takes to possibly steep into my own. I've not watched a single video on RE7, as I intend to play that game, probably cover it, and then my reward, is getting to see everybody else's view on that game.
I guess the answer is... it depends?
But I know what you mean about looking back and cringing about taking other people's opinions as definitive.
Just like the things you like, and if someone changes your mind, make sure it's because you genuinely agree with them, and not because disagreeing is "not cool."
DizzyDwarf Asks
I have had this on my mind for a bit but I am curious on what ya take on this is do you think the game awards will ever be as big or be as celebrated as the Oscars? or a better question do ya think its gotten to a point where the awards mean anything.
Awards obviously mean something as people go to them and show up, but I don't think they'll ever be taken as seriously as the Oscars, because the Oscars reached their peak at a different period of time.
One where critics were something you occasionally saw in a column on a newspaper, not 50% of your feeds on all Social Media platforms.
That's probably why The Game Awards isn't really an Awards show, one of the biggest criticisms of 2023 was how even more of a Press Conference it was for new games, likely added onto by the fact that E3's no longer a thing.
One thing's for sure, The Game Awards certainly didn't boost Forza's player numbers...
Gabriel Nascimento Asks
What are your thoughts on the episodic gaming format? There have been some talks about how this might be getting a comeback, with rumors that Sony/Insomniac are planning to split the next Spider-Man game into multiple parts.
It's really dumb.
Wolf Among Us was one of the biggest victims of that formula.
They made a bunch of changes to Episode 2, resulting in it being delayed and delayed months to the point where even fans of the game stopped caring by the time it originally came out.
Though I won't be surprised if we go back down this rabbit hole again, as even TV shows seem to be stupidly going back down it too.
Snuron Asks
Hey, man. What was the FPS game you've played for the first time in your childhood?
Michael Gross Asks
You mentioned in your video about OTXO how you'd like to see a game built around an expanded version of a particular level or part of another game. For example, you mentioned that a game built around Effect and Cause from Titanfall 2. But then after that, you just say "Max Payne 3". What part of Max Payne 3 would you like to see expanded on? What kind of game are you picturing?
Max Payne 3's gameplay in a format more like Titanfall 2, Half Life, or even OTXO, where that gameplay has space to breath instead of being interrupted by unnecessary cutscenes every 2-5 minutes.
That's the main reason I think the game gets worse and worse with every playthrough, I just start yelling "LET ME PLAY" after a while.
The John Wick universe would be perfect for that.
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