Update: Cancellations and Current Projects (Patreon)
Hey everybody!
Being that it's been a while since I've posted, even by my standards, it's time for me to sit down and write out exaclty what's been going on behind the scenes since the last video.
December, while I was starting and stopping projects, Youtube took a backseat for a relationship. It was great while it lasted, and I don't regret the time spent on it at all. In-fact, I've been dealing with medical diagonsis' that's lasted eight years, and after convincing myself during all the time that a relationship was off the table, proving myself wrong was one of the best things that could've happened.
I did compile a whole bunch of YT Shorts during this time, but I don't want to upload those until I've got a full video to post first, as I don't know yet how Shorts effect the video/channel algorithm.
During January, I tried to get "So I've Finally Played Dead Space 2" made. With the remake coming out, being requested multiple times for the channel, and having a great time with Dead Space 2's multiplayer on Discord, the stars seemed to be aligning for this to happen.
It wasn't long into playing Dead Space 2's campaign though that I realized I just don't have the passion for the video. I've written about games I don't much care for plenty of times, but there's usually some greater point or fascination attached.
SIFP Control, it was how much the game met all my expectations, but none of my bias'. Far Cry 3's coop was the novelty of a specifically 2012 idea. Rogue Agent was its connection to my childhood, etc.
Dead Space 2, there wasn't really a story to tell, other thing "Me no likey" which isn't very interesting. It wasn't worth being a cynical capitalist just to give people some lukewarm takes.
After dropping that project, a friend from out of town was crashing at my place for five days, so I shelved Adobe to show them around the City.
Thankfully after that, I got another video fully written and ready to be made, though it's one I'm expecting to be met with "god damn it" as it's not going to be very long (15-20 minutes, I'm guessing) called "I Love Racing Games, They Suck!"
It's what I'm currently passionate about, I'm pleased with the script and I think the video will find an audience beyond my channel as it's about the state of a whole genre, not just sub-cultures like F1 or Need for Speed. However, I haven't narrated it yet because I've been sick for the last two weeks, hacking up phlegm like I've got a factory inside my throat.
It's been getting better, and the COVID home-kit I have tested negative, but sounding like someone's holding my nose and throat shut during a video isn't very appealing, for me, or anybody.
I'm hoping to have this beaten within the week so I can narrate and get this upload gap taken care of, as the next month or two from YT payments are going to be pretty dry...
That about sums up everything going on, however, I did want to leave with a list of what's on the table for the future in-terms of original videos. Some of these ideas are recent, some have been stewing for a couple years, and I'm curious if there's any here y'all are particularly interested in seeing, and of course, any requests/ideas are welcome!
In the meantime, thank you so much for the continued support, it especially helps out during times like these, and I hope you enjoy what's around the corner.
Best wishes!