Patreon Q&A #13 (Patreon)
Ferenc Viczmandi Asks
If there is ever a single-player GTA 6, what new gameplay mechanics would you like to see?
Years ago, I heard someone pitch the idea of a Grand Theft Auto taking place in Mexico, with players taking the role of a Rogue Cop, and I absolutely adore the concept. I'm quite tired of GTA's insistence on parodying whatever Show/Movie is popular while adding "aMeRiCaN dReAm BaD."
In-terms of new mechanics though, I'm honestly not sure if I'd add something the player can specifically do. What I'd want to invest is the sandbox itself. Be able to make friends or turn on NPCs, or as NakeyJakey suggested, have all of them, including cops, following a schedule that you could exploit.
My general wish for GTA is to truly live up to its name as a Sandbox game, because as it stands, Rockstar are still designing from the digital dark ages.
The Great Leveler Asks
Do you like DUSK or AMID EVIL more and what about it do you like more?
I think Amid Evil's got the better presentation, and is more memorable as a result. Dusk's a lot of fun, but it's weapon, enemies, and locals are so simplistic, that it doesn't really stand out. Not to suggest it detracts from the fun.
But while Amid Evil's great, I do think it has a problem that many Arena Shooter Campaigns do, that being the missions as campaigns continue take longer and longer to finish, which just ends up hurting the rapid fire pacing.
Daniel Anugerah Asks
In the same vein as Nakey Jakey, what's two games you think should bang?
I've got a couple.
Max Payne 3 & DOOM '16
The gunplay in Max Payne 3 is some of the best out there, and it'd be phenomenal if something with that game's production, atmosphere, and spectacle, had the gameplay focus of ID's return to form. One where the gameplay shines, instead of being interrupted every couple of minutes by pointless cutscenes.
XCOM & Rainbow Six 3
I've probably brought this up before, but I've dreamed for years of a Rainbow Six game, with the high tension missions, various characters, and permanent deaths, combined with XCOM's homebase, character relations, and upgrades.
What I really want for this game-bang, is to realize in fidelity what XCOM ordinarily leaves to imagination. Have various character interactions in the base that are attached to what happens out on the field.
Boneworks & Half Life: Alyx
Sub Level Zero's shooter has a bundle of ideas, but is clearly padded by developers who lack the vast experience of Valve's best talent. The two games are polar opposites in almost every category. Where Alyx is small, Boneworks is big. Where Alyx is detailed, Boneworks is simple. Where Alyx is linear, Boneworks is open.
What I'd like is for Bonework's to be George Lucas, to Valve's Steven Spielberg. Let the former come up with the ideals, and concepts, and let Valve come up with the actual assembly, and master the presentation.
Stefan Sterl Asks
So Half Life Alyx released have you had the chance to play it yet, if so what do you think about it and most importantly about its ending?
Binged through it in two days, which I'd never done with VR before, so it's clearly doing something right. What I think Alyx excels is the presentation. The best tech demo's don't feel as such, and that's Alyx achieves. The art-team are immaculate in their environments, character designs, and weapons.
As for the ending, I can't talk about that in-detail without spoiling it for everybody, but in short, it already has people talking about the franchise with more enthusiasm than I've seen in years.
OzarkTempses Asks
Were there any games with "breakout "features you feel might have been better off developed as a stand alone game instead of an add-on of sort? Ex: Gwent
Hmm. That's a really good question.
I'd probably have to go with Modern Combat's hotswap feature. It's crying out for expansion. I've imagined for years of a game where you point as the commander, and multiple soldiers follow said order, with you being able to swap between em on the fly.
Alfred Fan Asks
How are you under Vancouver's current lockdown. Do you miss going out?
I don't get out much, so the most inconvenient thing to come out of this for me personally, is not being able to take transit during crappy weather.
My family members are truthfully the ones who have to worry, and they've been good so far.
Submit your questions in the comments below, for future Patreon Q&A's.