FaxJammer Tier Commissions (Update) (Patreon)
Thanks to all who have selected a tier and pledged to the page recently, it's really encouraging and means so much.
I've just finished refining the Commission reward from the Faxjammer tier so it's as clear as possible what it is.
If you select the tier you can commission me for a character design piece of artwork based on whatever you want!
- Refer to the images above for a rough idea of the kind of detail and style it could be
- Every 2 months request a new design from me!
- I'll most probably work on the designs at the middle of the month
- I could decline NSFW suggestions (if it's mild like a bare chest and seductive pose I won't mind though lol)
Again thanks for all the support, I have a few of the commission notes and directions from FaxJammer tier folk already so will get cracking on them soon!
Seeya 😎