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Hey everyone. I have let myself burn out. Between the last three months, Nomad and I have been constantly on the move. Audios, podcast, my 9-5, some personal drama and outside enagements with family and friends have had us running around like crazy people. And with the wedding that just happened for my aunt (which was beautiful btw), the last of my energy has gone.

So, I will be taking the last week in September off. For you Patreon members Balance and above, you will be getting the new naga storyline as that has already been written and recorded. I just need this week to catch up on where I want to be for the PEN and for the Halloween season coming up.

I am sorry for the delay but I'll be able to provide a better story once I get my head on straight. Thank you for your paitence and I'll see you all again in October on YouTube. 



Take your time and please take care of yourself. We understand! Enjoy the break as much as you can :)