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Art by Lavenderpandy
Story and character Rohit by Ezekiael_K

I serve.
I want to call it my duty. I want to describe it as my calling. 
Others wish to heap praises upon my shoulders. 
They tell me how disciplined and honorable I am.
They talk of respect. They admire my zeal, my piousness.
Yet in the end, I serve.

Heavy is the crown. 
One may think this absurd, as the Queen wears it well.
Yet they do not know her trials.
Years spent fighting.

They do not know her sleepless nights.
Her silent regrets.

Make no mistake. I do not pity her.
Why should I?
For her life has been one worth living.
We should not pray for an easy life.
No matter what you do.
No one makes it out alive as it were.

I am not the Queen Keeper. 
I am not even one of her Guard.
I am beholden to another.
Her Son.
The Heir apparent.

The Prince’s Guard are close to their charge.
They adore him, as do I.
But lessons must be taught.
They must be learned.
Foolish me, I listen, and I watch.
but I have learned.

Who said the lesson was for me.



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