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Reyes is the Duchess of Llyrna a small but prosperous and rich duchy within Lioncourt Province. Known for her elegance as well as sharp wit, she sets her eyes on the finest thing a lady of the nobilty can attain. Much to the dismay of Princess Megan and his other suitors, the Duchess of Llyrna has set her sights on Count Adolyn Valenrow. Though she is lovely and legitimately a proper match for the count, their relationship is more friends with benefits than a true relationship. It's hard to take a woman seriously when she sees you as a prize to be won over her rivals rather than a person. Still, Adolyn and the Duchess are fond of each other and he would not shy away from a union if their deliances produced a child. Reyes would like nothing better than to win the Crimson Raven in this way, believing their children would be absolutely gorgeous.



Arkanaknight Jaguar

OK, is everyone out to seduce Adolyn? Cause he seems to be screwing someone each day of the week. Is everyone spending an hour each day trying to get him in bed or a church hall or something. Plus he might be in trouble here though.