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He’d come to see me. I wasn’t sure that he would. He wasn’t the kind of kinling that was easy to predict.

On the one hand, Adolyn Valenrow was a Champion. A hero of the land of Lioncourt who, as one would guess, did all the courageous things one would expect of such a kinling. I’m sure you’ve heard the tales; saving princesses, fighting monsters, thwarting evil plots, and coming to the aid of damsels in distress. All very standard stuff. It’s just what they do. It normally made kin like him easy to predict; but Adolyn is not a typical champion.

The man is a complex tapestry of contradictions and mysterious ways. Sometimes I wonder if he can read my mind. He always seems to know what game I’m playing, which is quite frustrating for a ‘Shadow Cat’ like me.

Upon our first meeting, it took him very little time to deduce my loyalties. I had the skills of a blade dancer, but used polearms. I attacked from the shadows instead of head up and of course, was able to move about the city without running afoul of any of the talented agents of his Order or the Courtian crown. Only one with the favor of the Queen Lesser could do so; but not even she could purchase the loyalty of a shadow cat from the Pandorican peerage. Thus, it was easy for him to surmise that I had been sent by my Queen to aid his Queen; and that both had something in mind for him.

“I reluctantly decline to participate in your intrigue.” he’d shrugged, but I didn’t give up easily.

I joined him on his adventure. Proved my worth as an ally and made sure I made a great impression. I may not have fully earned his trust, for I fear he trusts no one; but his cooperation was all I would need. Well, until now.

When he entered the manor I was very clear about my intentions. I wasn’t ordered by my liege to take this meeting, nor was I commanded by his. I’m sure Queen Asura was aware of my intentions and goals. Queen Azalyn as well, but I doubt either would interfere. Even a willing tool such as I has their own ambitions.

“Greetings, Count Valenrow, thank you for coming.” I began. With a wave I dismissed the house maid who had let him into my parlor. I would not need any help with this particular seduction.

He asked what my masters wanted of him, but I immediately let him know that neither Queen had asked for this meeting. Ours would be personal business. He again declined to be part of any machinations I had brewing in my head, and of course I did not deny that I had motives and intentions, but I assured them it was nothing so grandiose as he may be thinking.

“What then?” was his next query; and I was happy to answer him honestly.

“I would like us to be friends... special friends. I am certain you could use an ally with my unique skills and abilities.” I offered, running my hand down the chest of my qipao.

It was a beautiful silk dress, with the sides bare, laced together with gold trim and stitching, with a little window that showed the top of my breasts. Adorning it was a sakura flower pattern that ran down to the bottom of the dress where the white turned pink. It was as alluring as it was expensive, but I was prepared to sacrifice the piece should it serve its purpose.

Adolyn smiled, his eyebrow aloft.

“Special friends?” he asked, obviously intrigued.

I reiterated my desire and stepped forward, placing a hand on his cheek.

“You are a fabulous specimen. To have you as a friend would be a boon to anyone. To have you as a special friend would be an investment in my future. I know you do not fully trust me. I have yet to earn such high praise, but I’m willing to work for my inclusion in your circle and I’m more than willing to pay you in kind. I can be very useful to you.” I promised.

I could have said it in a million ways. Used any number of inflections or manipulations, but somehow I knew he’d see through any act. I’ve found the good count to be quite immune to a woman's wiles. So many have tried such tactics on him in the past, I bet he’s seen them all. So genuine was always the best approach.

“Be my friend. Lay with me. Allow me to take your anger and frustrations, while you take mine. Let us forge a pact of particular friendship and with it grow to be allies...” I offered.

Again I made him aware of what I could do for him. He may have his Ravens and his spies, but I was a shadowcat of Pandorica; unlike those of his Order, I’d sworn no magical oaths that would curb my behavior. Only my loyalty to my Queen would limit my actions, and given the relationship between Lioncourt and its protectorate, I doubt there would be many conflicts of interest.

Adolyn seemed to consider my offer carefully. His eyes appraised me for danger and threat. I wondered if he was consulting his experience to tell if I was being honest or not. Assessing what has been said and what was not. Trying to find the truth behind my words.

Before long he looked a bit shocked and then confused, ultimately coming to a theory on my motives. Though he kept his suspicions to himself.

“And just what would you gain from this friendship?” He asked, probably already knowing the answer.

Carefully I wrapped my arms around his neck. He trusted me enough not to attack him, so I didn’t have to worry about him recoiling. He smelled good. Like white musk, cedarwood, lilies, and roses.  Fragrant, but not feminine, which I liked in foreign men. Many had a strong aroma of masculinity in their scent that was quite appealing.

“I earn a personal ally. Someone loyal and righteous, whose influence in the light reaches much further than my own in the dark.” I answered. I then kissed him, hoping he’d let me. I was mildly surprised when he did.

After a moment of exploring his tongue with mine and pouring into his lips as his strong hands took me by the waist, I pulled back, but not too far.

“You may be tugging on the wrong tail, my dear. I doubt I’ll be as useful to you as you think. There are others that may be more suited to your needs.” Adolyn asserted. I didn’t agree and told him so. There were so many uses for a friend like him.

“Perhaps...” I admitted, before kissing him again; but I was willing to take my chances.

Adolyn loved another. His heart was set on another. One who would not have him, but who loved him just as strongly. His former squire, Cassius, loved him. His sworn sword Soven loved him. If I were to guess, there were at least two or three more kinling who could say that they genuinely loved this man, and I could see why. To try to usurp that love would be foolish. Though I could possibly grow to love someone that much, especially him, I did not yet feel that way; and any deception in that theater would not end well for me. However...

“Men of action need tools, and I am an excellent one. I may just prove as useful as your sword or your bow before long. I’m certain you could use me...”

With that I moved forward, placing a hand on the buckle of his belt. He did not stop me as I unbuckled it and dropped to my knees. What followed was a session of love making and merry that impressed even me. The kin was talented in the sexual artes. A bonus. He’d taken me in many ways, for many hours, and spent quite a great deal of his seed on my eager womb. The man was a machine. He even sat me down on the window seal and fucked me until I could do little more than grab on the curtains for dear life. He was a fantastic sexual companion.

In the end, he lay with me, caressing my back and allowing me to cuddle into his chest. It was warm and his fur was soft. That scent of his was intoxicating. I could see how  so many others had fallen for the man. He was an attentive lover, whose hands massaged my back and made me feel safe and secure in his arms.

Slowly I looked up at him and felt my heart catch as he looked at me, the cold analyzing gaze gone from his steel blue eyes. It was the first time I’d ever seen him so unguarded. Right then would have been the best time to press my needs and secure the alliance. Instead, I curled my tail around him and held him close. Smiling as the soft air from beyond the window slightly chilled against me, making me want to remain in his embrace.

“So... Do you think you will have need of me?” I finally asked, almost absently as consciousness began to flee me.

He didn’t answer, he simply kissed me on my forehead and let me fall asleep.

I awoke later that day to find my maid, a fellow shadowcat in disguise named Ishya, standing above me. She’d been sent along with me to help mind the Queen’s Estate here in Lioncourt’s capital. She gave me a knowing look and handed me a letter.

“He was something else, he knew I was watching.” she teased, looking a bit jealous.

“He’s a lot different from his reputation, huh? Though I think that’s a good thing.” I replied honestly.

Inside was a message from Adolyn, with instructions on just how he’d like to use me first. It was a simple enough task. One I could probably delegate to another, but would do myself. As I reached the end of the letter I smiled and blushed. A look of genuine delight drawn on my face.

“What, it’s just a simple fetch quest. Why are you so giddy?” Ishya asked, admitting she’d already read the private missive.

I turned the letter to her and grinned triumphantly. At first she had no idea what was so important, but I pointed at the signature and told her to read it aloud. He’d ended the message with; ‘Your Friend, Addy’.

“I see... looks like you’ve made a new friend.” she shrugged. She had no idea.



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