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It isn't often that Nilaia was intimidated. There have been very few in her life that had the ability to unsettle her, but Glendriel Assyrius was one of them. 

The caenisian daughter had not spent a lot of time with the lordling. Though he was the Knight's Commander of the Order, a rank that theoretically placed only two above him, Glendriel had been with the Raven's a much shorter time than she. In any other setting she would consider it nepotism or politics, but that wasn't how it worked in the Order. Sir Glen had earned every promotion in his meteoric rise. He deserved his position.

Nilaia had been surprised when the handsome lion had approached her about joining him on a mission. It would be the first time the two of them would work together alone, and she was curious as to why he would choose her over another. She'd begun to over analyze the situation, wondering if this was some kind of evaluation, but the truth was quickly revealed with Glendriel informed her of their destination. Ngumuardhi in Enndi. Nilaia had grown up around that area.

Of course she was happy to support him, and the two spent over a week investigating the sell of illegal spellstones. Nilaia critical thinking and analytical mind proved to be a great help to  the investigation, with Glendriels iron will and political savvy making up where Nilaia lacked. In the end they were able to track down the traffickers, bring them to justice, and recover the illicit contraband without incident.

With their task completed days ahead of schedule the two would be left waiting for one of the roosts to send a roc to pick them up. Whatever would they do with the free time? Nilaia suggested seeing the sights and maybe sharing a bit of pipe together, which Glendriel agreed. 

The two Ravens would grow friendly on the adventure, friendly enough for Nilaia to ask if the Assyrian lord might want to have some more personal fun. Smiling at her bountiful breasts, fat ass, and handsome face, Sir Glen was more than receptive to a little personal fun. 

The zebra may not of wondered before how Glendriel rose up the ranks, but after a night of vigorous sex, she was sure stamina had to be one of the attributes that lead to the Commander's rise. She did so enjoy the feel of his thick cock inside of her. Maybe next time they worked together, she could return the favor. Afterall she'd heard he was as accomplished catching as he was pitching. 



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