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The city of Braylaen is beautiful... picturesque and prosperous. A large trade town located north of the red forests of Haleen. One of the larger cities in Lioncourt Kingdom. The land it sits on is called the Braylaen penisula, as the city was built on a large oblong cut of land, surrounded by the clean blue waters of the Amand river on three sides. It only unbridged entrance is to the south where most of it’s city watch is garrisoned. The people of Braelyn are hardworking, friendly and faithful. One of the many churches dedicated to the sleeping goddess is located in Braylaen. Resting in the gap between Bast, Lioncourt’s capital and Parn it’s largest city, Braylaen was seen as perfect for Monette’s dark ambitions.

It all began with a sinister plan dreamed up after chance encounter with a most interesting young lady of the faith. Monette had heard of the sleeping goddess of course. Who hadn’t? Those who worshiped the Angean goddess were common. They believed that it was she whose soul had reincarnated into Queen Alanzia de Lioncourt and helped deliver the land from the Baptism. Monette didn’t know the truth of that, but she’d lived long enough to know that even some eternians and even elderians believed in this Goddess. It was all nonsense to her. She’d seen godlike power during the cataclsym. She’d seen the dragons of the four corners lay waste to being of ascension like they were nothing. Even the nine, the powerful progenitors of the elderian races could not stand against their power. Who could stand against Salamus who created them? Such a goddess would have made herself known directly rather than work through some mundane as the kinlings believed. It was all rubbish. ‘The grand light of the world my ass,’ she thought. Druid propaganda, nothing more However, the faithful had an energy about them, their chi, their quintessence was alluring. To find high priest and his attending nun walking with only a single guard was a stroke of luck. Monette struck up a conversation with the young nun, basking in the glow of her innocence and purity. How she longed to defile it. 

She soon came to the conclusion that no one would dare bother her in the guise of the nun. She would immediately be trusted and respected. The convenience and of course the sheer decadence of taking two of the affirmed filled her with anticipation. Monette had come to experience the debauchery and quintessence and her first meal was to be an amazing one. She decided that she'd appear to them, more or less as herself. But she presented herself as a hurt traveler in need of aid. Of course they being of the faith helped her without question. Even allowed her to make camp with them before they crossed the river into Braylaen, the fools. She learned what she could about them, barely able to contain her hunger and lust. When night fell, she would begin her conquest.

The knight guarding the pair was the first of her victims. Strong and astute, he'd been auspicious of her from the beginning and he'd need to be dealt with if she were to get closer to her true targets. It was a simple enough task to lure him away. A woman needed an escort when she wanted to relieve herself in the privacy of the oh so scary red forest. He was an easier conquest than she’d imagined. When alone, she’d pinned him against a tree and kissed him passionately. Her saliva carried with it a powerful aphrodisiac that made his blood race and his passions grow. To his credit, he put up a small fight. Protested her forward behavior and tried to respectfully decline her advances. But Monette knew it was hard to dismiss a woman who had your cock in her mouth. His will weakened, he submitted to the pleasures she provided.

No magics or illusions were necessary to break out his carnal desires, his hands gripped the sides of her head as he thrusted forward vigorously. Monette was barely able to contain her giddiness as she tasted him, her first kinling. Monette had been born in the Elderlands, one of the children of the Nine. She’d never experience the taking of mundane. She reveled in it and so did her victim. He was so pent up, she allowed him to indulge all of his carnal desires with her.

After a long bout of lovemaking with the beautiful elderian, the knight had been enthralled. Too deeply did he give himself over to her powers and his body and mind begged for it. As he emptied himself inside of her time and again, Monette encouraged the young lion to tell her all of his secrets.He did. He shared his mission to escort the two faithful back to the citadel, a large church within the walls of Braylaen. He shared his dreams of being a paladin for the church and that he himself had been affirmed as well. The lion had sworn a vow of chastity, but deep inside longed for the touch of a woman. He lusted for the nun that he was sworn to protect, but now, lusted only for her. She enjoyed taking his virginity, bringing out his debauched nature and consuming copious amounts of his love juices. It all fueled her hunger and by the time they had finished she’d gorged herself on his chi. She drew into herself his energy, his quintessence, flavored by all of his desires, his shame at having abandoned his oaths, his fear at being caught and his self-loathing at his admittance to wanting to do all of those terrible and sexual things to the sweet little kitten of a nun he was supposed to protect. His repression was exquisite. Reasonably happy with her new thrall and the taste of his quintessence she decided to use him to take her next victim.

The nun was her next target, surprisingly, she succumbed much easier than the knight. A succubus can always tell the measure of a person, sexually, by their scent. Though this sister was affirmed, it was quite obvious she hadn’t always been. She was alone, trying to sleep and doing her best not to pleasure herself. She must have had a lot of sex before finding her faith. Monette took her easily. Using the knight, who the nun had lusted after just as much as he had lusted for her, she brought out the wild depravity sleeping dormant inside of the nun. The two bared witness to one of Monette’s favorite abilities. With a little effort, Monette changed her form. Her clit grew in size and form. It shaped itself into a large, thick, brown skinned penis. With it, she took the nun, shoving the large member down her throat. Her thrall obediently took the other end. They had their way with the nun for an hour before Monette decided to feed. She had been more delicious than the knight. She’d tried so hard to leave her past behind her. She was barmaid most of her life, sleeping with men for favor and coin to make ends meet. The nun had been ashamed of her life and was saved from it by a chance encounter with the priest. She longed to please him, to be the good little nun that he saw in her. Instead she was the horny slut she’d always been, she just needed Monette to bring it out of her. Pleased, but far from satisfied, Monette turned her attention to the priest.

She had to give the old mutt credit. He was a true man of the faith. She joked openly to herself that he’d be a ‘harder nut to crack’, but Monette had already enthralled the nun. With her by her side she pressed the priest. She used strange abilities, to entice him. She filled the air with her succubus scent, another of her potent aphrodisiacs. She enticed him the forbidden fruit of his protege’s pussy. Monette’s assault on his decency and purity was relentless and try as he might, she would have her way.

 Monette took her time with the Priest, his essence was pure and  delicious. Watching the nun swallow the cock of her once admired and  revered colleague was bliss. She spent the night influencing them,  pushing them to more and more carnal acts as she indulged herself on  their quintessence. Soon the knight joined them and the depravity  increased. She made them do things they had never done, would never have  done, just for her amusement. She fed as the two men soiled the young  cat. They fucked her in every conceivable way, filling her ass and pussy  with their seed, forcing ounce after ounce of semen down her throat.  They covered her pink fur and blonde hair with so much white he fur  clung together in patches. All the while, Monette fed.   

The next day brought exactly what the succubus had planned. Her thralls were completely under her control. Dressed in the cloth of the faith and in the company of trusted and respected people, she walked right past the soldiers at the gate and feared not the mages or clerics who could stand in her way. They walked her through the gate and into the heart of the city. She would spend the next days taking over the church, enthralling it’s members; nuns, preachers, altar boys. As she made love under the statute of the goddess, the horny succubus could only laugh. From here her plans would begin, from here she would take anything she wanted.

Guest Stars in this Image Are

Duo who belongs to duo.maxwell over on FA


Starza who belongs to mintsmoker over on FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mintsmoker



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