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Prince Vandell de Lioncourt is a curious figure. He was barely even an adult when he took on the position of the ‘Raven Prince’, after his father ascended to the throne. Most feel that the young prince was too inexperienced for the responsibilities of being the patron of the Sacred Order of Raven Knights, even if the title is largely ceremonial. However, Vandell has surprised his detractors with several intelligent and necessary moves to help the Order and it’s image.

It was he who whispered into his father’s ear the idea to coerce Count Adolyn Valenrow into the leadership of the Raven Knights; a decision that bore immediate fruit. The position, previously held by the retired champion and weapons master, Garret Jesstane, was one that needed to be filled by someone the people knew. Someone that made them safe. The hero of the most storied battle in recent memory would definitely fit the bill.

Having been educated in Rhakotis by the brilliant scholars and philosophers of the Alexandria Academy in everything from etiquette and history, to spymastering, Vandell had a talent and taste for the game of intrigue at a young age.

Smart and observant, he discovered the plot to poison his grandfather, King Legault de Lioncourt, by lesser nobles within the lost baronies of Aslan while on a trip to Evandale.

Vying for power, these nobles were angered when more lands were to be awarded to the Duke of Evandale rather than themselves. His accusations were at first dismissed by his older brother, Eland and the other Maheesian lords as a child’s fantasy. His effeminate appearance and foppish nature had earned him the ire of ‘traditionalists’ like his brother and a lack of respect from the nobility. He was merely nine years old at the time, but had already learned courtly intrigue from his scholars and mother.

He’d overheard the lords' grievances and issues from one of the scullery maids who’d he frequently played with. She said the lords feared the constant tensions between the Evandale and Sauria would lead to open war, and that empowering the Dalish Lord so soon after hostilities in the disputed lands would be seen by the lizardkin as a step towards open war.

With his mother abroad, he was unable to have his concerns taken seriously. Determined to do something, Vandell brought the information to his host, Duke Palence Valenrow of Evandale and his wife, the Duchess Elania. They did not dismiss his warnings. After finding out the conspirators planned an ‘accident’ to silence the young prince, Duke Palance convinced Vandell and his adopted brother, Crown Prince Eriol’s ‘ward’ Maelyn to flee to Fort Vesperia in the north where he’d be safe with the Duke’s loyal bannerman.

His suspicions proved correct as the Duke was able to arrest the wayward lords and extract a confession from them. His persistence earned him the respect of both his grandfather and father, as well as the promise that he would inherit the title of Raven Prince after his father. Though many still underestimate the Raven Prince, most know that he’s been actively winning at the game of intrigue since he was nine.



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