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Rangers may not have the healing grace of Clerics, Ministrata, and even the famed Paladins of Caprica, but their discipline teaches them a little arcanery for healing light wounds and stabilizing injured people. Enough to help one survive until better healers can offer aid.

Cassius, Knight Ranger of the Sacred Order of Raven Knights, and a Ranger Elite of Lioncourt is actually quite talented at healing, given his affinities for Light, Water, and Earth element. Though not everyone is worthy of his full healing efforts. Much of that is saved for his friend and former Knight's Master, Adolyn.

The young noble would support Adolyn in any and all things, and has since the two met so many years ago. Now when Adolyn is unwell or slightly hurt, Cassie often decides any medical administrations that don't require a more powerful healer can be handled by a certain sexy lion. Often he enjoys wearing cute outfits to help with his tasks. Afterall, a happy patient is a healthy patient; and who would be unhappy to see Cassius wearing that!



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