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Kobolds are an interesting race within ATKM, as they are inherently loyal by nature. This isn't always the case, but usually the rule. Most of the kobold kin are varying degrees of submissive, depending on their masters. Since the Saurians tend to use dominance and fear to keep the kobolds in line, those who know kindness or even brotherhood are often susceptible to switching sides or choosing new masters if they are not bond by contract or properly kowed. 

Given their history, Palawan like Riyo do not discriminate and though few kobolds enjoy the nomadic lifestyle of the Palawa; they often enjoy their visits; especially in the Free Timberlands where kobolds do not have to worry about the stigma of Saurian prejudice.

Here Riyo properly thanks a kobold for their service. Coin is nice, but a little 'lovin' is always better than a firm handshake and a 'good job'.



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