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Lynadaria Rashid is a proud, dutiful, Raven Knight who rarely suffers fools. Because of her short stature and even shorter temper, many found her to be quite unapproachable and often aloof; that was until the newly christened Captain Riyo Vanderleur decided to take her on as his adjutant.

Lyn or Lyndi as her precious commander calls her has shown herself to be utterly enamored by and devoted to the captain. Often unshy about expressing her desire for the Palawan and getting into heated arguments with any and all who disparage him for his lineage. She often quarrels with her rival Mahika Chopra on which serve the better captain.

As a Palawa and one trained as a paramour, Riyo is unabashed by Lyndaria's forwardness or her unapologetic desire for him. Despite wishing to limit their relationship to something as close to strictly professional as he could manage, it wasn't long before Lyndaria's persistence won out and the two entered into a casual sexual relationship; though the act seems to have made the two a more effective team.




Lyndaria is beautiful.