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Out and about on the road, Raven's have to rely on trusted sources and more experienced magic users when encountering magical talismans and objects in their adventurers. Unknown to the public, their is a network of approved arcane academics among the proprietors of 'Arcane Emporiums' or legal magic shops.

These stores are usually run by 'Grey Witches' and are under the purview of several accords and treaties between Kingdoms, the Merchant's Guild, and the Librarium. Their unique relationship with the Sacred Order is more or less built from the fact that they're often audited or otherwise investigated by the Raven Knight's when something seems amiss. Their help and service grew from a need to soften their image in the eyes of the Order.

Having found a particularly confusing magical object, Kioni and Deacon, visited Grey Witch Mally Mayim to identify it.

 The proprietor of 'Cait-Sith Curios' and a rumored malefocurm, Witch Mally's reputation in dark circles and constant 'skirting' of the laws has made her a valuable ally to the Order for the right price. Given her extensive history with the LIbrarium and as a 'Court Mage', and rumored Biencien Witch in her wild youth; Malyficus has knowledge and experience even some seasoned Raven Knights lack.

Unfortunately this knowledge extends to some of the curios in her shop.

Unbeknownst to the Raven's a powerful artifact lies on the shelf of her shop that could induce strong feelings of sexual desire. Harmless normally to those who are so used to dealing with magical afflictions; however, such talismans grow stronger in the presence of desire. Kioni and Deacon's barely disguised attraction to one another lead to the items affect being much stronger. It wasn't long before the witch had to 'noble' knights fucking like hedonist right in the middle of her shop.

Surprising, but not unwelcome. She wondered if the talismans power was enough to allow her to join them.



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