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Arsis Kytori is a rare kinling; a hybrid. Where as typically in pairings between two different kin, the child has an incredibly high chance of being whatever species the mother is, with physical traits of their father; such as fur pattern, eye, and hair color; hybrids are rarely if ever born. Those who are born often never live past their infancy, and those who do, tend to  not live very long. The lucky few that do live past their childhood often have terrible health issues. These issues are lessened the closer the two species genus are, but the risks for hybrids are ever present.

Arsis was born a hermaphrodite, something that cannot be attributed as a symptom of her hybrid nature. No, Arsis was born healthy, happy, and endowed with a considerable amount of arcane potential; despite one parent being a tigress and the other being a skunk. 

Though she's only has half the tigers DNA, she shares her mothers' ferocity and vigor. Other tigers do not look down upon Arsis for her hybrid nature, in fact, many are more than happy to add a little more 'tiger dna' to the mix.



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