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Meredith isn't known for her promiscuity. Though she is not shy about casual sex or a stranger to her own carnal desire; her friendliness and the way she conducts herself in her day to day helps dispel any notions about the pretty  pups propriety.

Despite this Merry as she is called by her friends, can be a bit of a paramour herself. Often growing enamored or desirous of the beautiful men and women around her. Though Avelina and  Dame Astrae Lykaios are among her favorite, she, like many have a fondness for handsome officers in her midst; Primus Adolyn, Sir Riyo, and the stunningly attractive Ranger Sir Ajuna.

Here she has managed to earn a little time with the Captain of the Blood Ravens. I doubt either is unhappy with the rendezvous. 




This is sexy and beautiful 😍