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Despite being the only Argorian in the entire and Lioncourts history with the crocodilians and gatorkin of Argoria, Ezren is quite popular among her peers. A decorated 'Siege Breaker' during her time with the Argorian Vanguard, Ezren  brings the Argorians brash, opportunistic, and unapologetic sense of self interest to the Order.

Though many view her as morally grey, her attitude and methods have been a boon to Order and has had surprisingly little issues upholding her Oaths, as her current desires align well with the Raven Knight's missions.

The same cannot be said of her romantic life. As most Argorian's are, Ezren is pansexual and does not believe in the sanctity of relationships, marriages, or civil unions. If she desires someone, she will make a play. Though this has caused no end of issues among the chaste or involved; it has given her the reputation as 'wild and fun', with many seeing her as less promiscuous and more sexually liberated.

One such admirer is young officer Meredith Rentonward, whose lust for life and experiences outside of Enndi sees her trying new things and new loves. Ezren may think the sweet, honest, mutt to be naive, but Meredith's wholesome enthusiasm can be particularly infectious. Often winning over many with her pure charm and earnestness.

The art for this piece was done by ChubbyCappie on FA; they can be found @



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