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Joining the Raven Knights for Ministrata Mallory Catenburry was all down to a simple question; 'Could she spend the rest of her life without knowing the touch of the kin she was in love with?' That answer turned out to be a resounding no, and so, once she came of age she informed the Priests and Sisters of her Abbey that she would not be affirming her oaths of chastity and sacrifice in service to the Goddess; instead following the path of the Ministrata. She would still serve the Angea, but was now 'free to live as a woman ought to'.

Far from upset, the Priestess of wished her luck and hoped that after she was done experiencing life, she'd return to her calling as a Sister of the Church. Though Mallory is certain of her path.

Unfortunately for a certain Palawan Paramour that path means jumping his spear whenever and wherever the sexually repressed young Ministrata can. Unlike more modest or restrained men, her love, Riyo will not refuse the advances of a beautiful lover without good reason. Apparently knowing the girl since she was a wee teenager is not a good enough reason now that she's an adult. Though he has the good grace to seem at least a little ashamed. Mallory however, is decidedly not.



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