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"So you're, she..." asked the green eyed, gilt; her face all smiles.

Before her, looking slightly nervous, but determined, was a young lamb named Mallory. A Ministrata, the corriedale was a cute little thing, who was quite a great deal more impressive than the Schwein had imagined. She'd read all about little Mallory from the ewe's guardian, Riyo, the gilt's formed adjutant; but meeting her for the first time was a great bit of fun. She loved meeting Riyo's little admirers.

Like her former adjutant and diminutive Ministrata, the muscular piglet, Jonah Schwartzsturm, had once been one of the illustrious Raven Knights. Though now making her trade as a successful sellsword specializing in matters of the arcane, Jonah liked to pop back up in the 'Raven's Nest' from time to time to check in on her former comrades.

The days trip had been different than the previous ventures 'home', for this time she got to meet a young woman she'd only ever heard about as a fresh faced acolyte of the church. Now the young lamb was following the Raven's path and Jonah was certain she knew why.

"Yes, Dame Jonah... I am Sister Mallory Catenburry; Ministrata of the Church of the Goddess and fledgling Cleric for the Sacred Order of Raven Knights!" she announced proudly. Jonah found her terribly adorable trying to sound all mature and official.

"No need for the formalities, kid. It's just Jonah." she corrected; waving a hand dismissively.

Mallory bowed, slightly bashful and then waited. She looked nervous, though she tried to hide it. The girl was hugging her copy of the Summa Ecclesia like it could ward her from embarrassment. Jonah took pity on the poor girl and patted her head in calming gesture.

"Don't fret little angel, you can call me big sis'! I did spend a couple years training that dapper cad you're so into!" she teased, referring to Riyo.

Mallory was unable to hide her embarrassment from that poke. The gossip surrounding her taken the Raven's oath had been unescapable. Everyone knew why she'd turned away from affirming her vows as a nun, following the path of the Ministrata instead.

The lissome lamb had fallen in love with her savior and guardian, Riyo Vanderleur. The handsome wakaleo had become the prized flower in the garden of her heart, and only age and distance had ever deterred her from pursuing the man. 

She'd known all along what she would do the second she came of age. Though she spent years studying to be a nun and healer for the Church, she'd never intended to pursue that path fully. Had she affirmed her vows, Mallory would have needed to be pious, chaste, and pure; all the basic demands of a nun of the goddess. But as a Ministra, she was not so constrained. It wasn't hard for her to make the choice.

"That's so cute..." Jonah cooed, stepping up and smiling more deeply.
"I can see you blushing through your fur... you're that smitten? Come now cutie, you think you got a shot?" 

To this, Mallory turned around, trying to hide her flushed face from the older ladykin. Apparently the thin hairs on her visage did little to hide the raging red peeking from behind her fur.

"I am certain of my path, Lady Jonah. That's all I will say!" Mallory blurted out, trying to keep her composure. 

Though normally very composed, Mallory was intimidated by Jonah. She knew of Riyo's relationship with his former master, and many of the gushing details. Others had not been shy about telling her of Riyo's many romantic exploits and dalliances. The palawan was a trained 'Paramour' after all, and few were shy about their interest in her love; but Mallory didn't care.

"In the end whether or not it is alone, it WILL be me..." she promised, gripping her holy book tighter.

Distracted, the young ewe did noticed Jonah move closer behind her. With a whooping cackle, the taller Schwein wrapped her arms around Mallory and grabbed hold of her modest breast. She felt small in the pigs grasps.

"You think you can catch that lustmolch's attention with so little assets to offer? What, you gonna dazzle him your sterling personality and unwavering devotions?" she mocked, playfully fondling the younger girls breast.

Far from angry at the sudden violation of her person and personal space, Mallory was instead quite worried by the implications. She could feel the strong metal of Jonah's breast plate against her back, and knew it only protruded as it did to accommodate the older woman's breasts. Breast that were larger and more alluring then her own.

Many of the women she'd encountered within the Order were similarly built. From buxom beauties like Megogo Asherah, to timeless turn-heads like Lady Sarissa. Hell, there was even a tall tigress named Queen whose gorgeous face, fur, and splendid build was distractingly alluring. Mallory hadn't considered such 'competition' when she'd made her decision years ago to pursue Riyo no matter the cost. She hadn't realize how many women of high quality would be pursuing him as well. Still, she would not be deterred.

"I can and I will!" she replied with conviction. Turning to meet Jonah's intense green eyes.

"I don't care what you or anyone else has over me, I will win in the end!" she announced.

For a short moment there was only silence as Jonah simply stared at the cute Corriedale. The impressive little lamb definitely meant what she said and Jonah respected that. If anything, she thought such an earnest and uncynical young woman would be good for her former student. 

"Goddess knows he needs some of that in his life!" Jonah thought.

Mallory stood under Jonah's scrutinizing eyes for a full minute before her resolve started to waiver. It was uncomfortable being under the intense stare of the powerful Blade Breaker, but the Ministrata needn't had worried about the Schwein, she was just taking in the lamb's measure; and Jonah had liked what she observed.

"That's what I like to hear, sunshine! You'll need that kind of conviction if you wanna pursue that particular paramour!" she laughed, clasping Mallory on the back.

"C'mon get a drink with me then! They let you Ministrata fuck, so they have to let you drink from time to time right!?" Jonah laughed wrapping an arm over Mallory's shoulders.

Mallory could drink, in moderation, but wasn't a fan of the activity. But she would say that to Jonah. Somehow, she knew the older woman would be a valuable resource in her pursuit of Riyo. Mallory may not have the physical attributes of other women, but she knew her love respected boldness; and there seemed to be no bolder woman than Damn Jonah Schwarzsturm.

Smiling nervously, Mallory nodded;

"Sure Big Sis, but only if you answer some questions for me!" 

Grinning, Jonah agreed.




Looks like Jonah beat Suzette to getting a few good squeezes in. Lol