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“And why exactly should I give you the honor of dueling me?” asked the beautiful marbled cat, his smile both charming and dismissive.

He had answered the missive to meet with his mysterious challenger in the Garden Hall of Lord Nelborn’s estate. The young effeminate feline hadn’t had been visiting the “Landed Knight’s’ posh estate for sometime, when the message came through official channels.

Initially, he planned to ignore the challenge. Just who could be worthy to challenge the King’s ward to a duel? Certainly many knew the name of Maelyn Visenya throughout the crownlands. The nobles of the court had certainly made quite an uproar when the then Prince Eriol had taken the young boy into his House and under his protection; but for some reason the pretty little fop was pretty sure this wasn’t another of the peerage's tiresome stunts.

The message was private and personal. A direct imposition from a sender unknown; requesting a duel at the time and place of Maelyn’s choosing. A bit of subtlety and discretion severely lacking in the gentry if you asked him. Eventually curiosity got the better of him and he accepted the challenge. If only to find out who would be so bold. The answer brought a smile to his face.

Standing before him, hand on the handle of his sheath blade, was a relatively handsome snow leopard in curious enchanted armor. Maelyn could tell it was such through use of his ‘Kirlian Eye’.

Though short for his bread, his stylishly cut black hair with its flashy blue streaks, helped cut a dashing image that Maelyn would have found attractive if not for his apprehension with the breed. Snow leopards were the dominant species of Valdis and the sassy spell blade was always wary of Valdinians, given his past.

“Feeling ourselves, are we? A life of lavish luxuries has gone to your head.” mocked the pantherkin. Like many of his kind, he apparently had a high opinion of his noble breed. Or just a low one of the so called ‘lesser felines’ like Maelyn. In Valdis, marbled cats were desired for their beauty, but not particularly respected by their so-called betters.

“Aww, upset I don’t know ‘my place’?” Maelyn shot back in a playful tone.

“Perhaps you’d like me to lower my head and grovel a bit; you know, make you feel right at home.”

Though his words were in jest, there was no denying the hint of bitterness and rebuke in his tone. Maelyn didn’t like the way the snow leopards did things back in Valdis. They were arrogant and dangerously ethnocentric. One of the few great kingdoms that still believed in a strict caste system that amounted to slavery the long way around.

Drawing his blade his opponent laughed;

“What’s the matter, m’lord; still raw about your early childhood. Were the big bad snow cats mean to you?” he taunted.

“Don’t worry, I’m a progressive. I’m not her to represent the misgiving of my kin. This is a personal affair.”

The admission brought Maelyn up short and for a moment. Carefully he peered closer at the snow leopard, trying to place his face; but he was certain he’d never seen him before. Was this some ‘Sins of the Father’ type deal. Another denizen of the Mountain Kingdoms with an axe to grind because of Maelyn’s true parents? A survivor from the Pandorican Siege? Maybe, but It didn’t seem likely.

The Valdinian wasn’t young, but he wasn’t old enough to have been a player during ‘that’ mess. In Maelyn’s best estimate he could be no more than thirty years old. Possibly younger. He had a youthful face and a handsome disposition. Not the kind of brow that had known the bitter kiss of war.

“I’m sorry, am I supposed to know you?” Maelyn asked, drawing his own weapon. A beautifully crafted rapier that sparkled with rose-colored light. The snow leopard whistled appreciatively upon seeing it.

“The perks of being the palace bottom bitch?” he asked, haughtily. Maelyn’s smile deepened.

“The perks of being the Royal Legate to the Sacred Order of Raven Knights.” the marbled cat answered proudly.

The snow leopard shrugged and his eyes grew luminescent. Maelyn could feel the static discharged in the room as the leopard called upon the power of lightning, and infused the element into his blade. He was an electromancer! Rare for Valdinians.

“I, my dear boy, am Verith Terrh.” he introduced himself, before referring to himself as an exceptional sellsword and current heir of my great House. Apparently an adventuring noble with an axe to grind.

Pointing his blade at his foe, Verith’s eyes glittered with divine light; as the glowing ring of a mana halo drew itself around his pupil.

“And you, Lord Visenya, so callously have insulted my sensibilities” he grinned. Upon seeing Maelyn’s confused and bemused face; he clarified;

“Last week, at the Count’s party on Fenryrdies, you met a dashing young lion with enchanting violet eyes and the most interesting of physiques.” he mused. Maelyn’s smile grew.

“Ahh yes, I recall. Sir Amran from Asase, right. Now that was a fine specimen of masculinity if I do say so myself. What of him?” Maelyn asked while calling upon his own æthereal might. Around him his connection with the flow intensified; so much so that his aura could be seen with the naked eye. It burned the intense color of cyclamen, with large flecks of energy wafting off him like cherry blossom petals. Despite himself, Verith was impressed.

“You presumed much as you plucked a rose from my garden, boy. That lion was my toy to tend...” disclosed Verith, looking slightly irked. He had spent a long month's travel working his charms on the stoic knight, only to have young Maelyn cash in on all his efforts. As he saw it, a penance needed to be paid.

“Aww,” sneered the sultry smaller feline.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t see a collar or ring on the man. Though I’d still have had my way if he did.” Maelyn sassed.

“I can see he’d have had a terribly boring night otherwise.”

Oddly enough, Verith did not take offense to the jab. Like Maelyn, he simply laughed in response.

“Oh, I can see why he liked you. You’re a cheeky little jellyfish. When I win I’ll have to show you how wrong you are.” he winked. Maelyn returned his flirtatious gesture with a blown kiss.

“My, my, if those are the terms...” he chuckled. Readying himself to fight he added;

“When I win, I’ll show you what he got!”

With that the two began their duel.

Verith started fast. As an electromancer, his extreme speed and reflexes were an obvious advantage. He was on Maelyn in a flash, but the younger malekin had speed and grace of his own.

Maelyn’s ability to control his quintessence and use it to enhance his physical attributes was no small thing. Speed, strength, agility, and even physical endurance were all covered in his ‘Soul of the Spriggan’ arte. It wasn’t as powerful as specialized spells and techniques, like when a mancers ‘burns’ a certain element within, but it along with other personal enchantments evened the odds when going up against enhanced opponents.

The snow leopard's skill with the swords was impressive and his arcane ability was considerable as well. He’d obviously been Librarium trained, because his usage of minor spells to augment his quintessence showed a proficiency that was rare without higher level study.

He just might of been the equal of several talented Raven Knight’s Maelyn knew and the lovely legate could see how the leopard could be so successful at his vocation; but it would not be enough.

When Verith dodged a thrust and then closed in with a spin, Maelyn used his graceful agility to twist and volt himself in the air. Behind him a shadow of energy remained, and instead of following him as other ‘shadow movement’ techniques did, this echo of his energy ardor coealesed into something more substantial and attacked.

“What the...” Verith blurted out startled by the attack. Within seconds, he was attacked from both sides by Maelyn and his glowing pink shadow. It took all of his effort and skill to avoid being run through. Unable to keep up with the quick assault from both sides, the snow leopard decided to retreat. He cried out as he called upon a burst of lighting to dart from between his assailants and get distance.

“Aww, where are you going? Not a fan of the menage a troi ménage à trois?” quipped Maelyn, a hand on his hip.

Groaning, Verith took a readying stance and began to reassess the situation.

“You can conjure a simulacrum, I’m impressed. That’s sufficiently advanced magic for a glorified joy boy!” he jeered back, hoping to insult the boy. Maelyn just smiled and his carnation copy gestured for Verith to come forward.

“Now, now, don’t get all scared now!” Maelyn goaded.

“We’re just getting...”

Maelyn was not able to finish his remark, for as he spoke Verith proved just that by flashing forward in a burst of lightning and coming down with a heavy slash. Unfortunately for the Valdinian sellsword, Maelyn was again prepared for this tactic.

Displaying his agility and grace once more, he pirouetted back like a dancer as his doppleganger came forward. The thunderous blade of the snow leopard clashed with the copy and caused an intense ætheric reaction as the two bits of mage collided.

‘Ooo... sorry, you blew your load too soon!” Maelyn teased taking a bounding retreat from both Verith and his hown echo. The snow leopard had just enough time to come up with a witty retort when the simulacrum mirrored the originals kissing gesture and exploded in a ball of pink light. Verith was thrown back, hitting the ground with such force that the lights went out in his world.

He didn’t know how long he’d slept, or what he could have done to avoid the attack. He’d been taught that it took more effort to control and release a simulacrum than Maelyn had shown. The marbled cat must have been a master at his craft.

Despite taking the brunt of the attack and definitely hitting his head when he fell, Verith felt little pain. Instead, he just felt a bit of pressure on his abdomen that made it slightly hard to breathe. He tried to move, but found something holding him at the joints of his arms. Opening his eyes, the snow leopard realized what was holding him constricted.

“Wakey, wakey, my handsome friend...” a familiar voice sang, a little too close to his head.

“Ugghh...” he groaned as his sight focused and brought Maelyn’s gorgeous golden eyes into view.

“Seems I lost,” he sighed, a bit annoyed by his defeat.

“This round at least...” Maelyn giggled. Verith tried to shrug, but could not move his arms.

“Let me up and I’ll show you I can win round two!” he smirked, giving Maelyn a wink. The marble cat then leaned forward and licked Verith on his nose.

“I don’t think I will...” he cooed, placing his hands on Verith’s chest.

“Afterall you set the terms of the duel.”

Looking down past the Maelyn’s girlish face and mess of rose gold hair, Verith starred at the hands on his chest. Puzzled, her moved again to free his arms but could not. With a grin, Maelyn looked up. Following his eyes, the snow leopard caught the smiling visage of Maelyn’s simulacrum holding him down.

“I think I’ll claim round two as well...” he purred.



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