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Laetitia Marceau is a Madame of Clan Marceau, under her mother Matron Josephine Marceau, who is currently serving as a mage in the Sacred Order of Raven Knights. The young otterkin once served as a Naiad for Reine Vivienne Melusine and was one of the most powerful of the queens elite guardians.

The Naiad's life was turned upside down when her charge, Dauphine Marion Undyne's mother died unexpectedly. Grief stricken and tired of his life as a glorified stud for the Ahesian peerage; Marion fled his gilded cage within the Royal Castle. Abandoning the Queendom.

Fearing turmoil and bloodshed between overzealous Matrons and Madames who would challenge for control of his life, including his sister Celeste, Marion tricked his bodyguard and childhood friend, Laetitia to make escape.

Shamed by her failure, Laetitia swore to hunt down Marion and bring him safely back to the Queendom. 

Unfortunately, young Marion managed to make the acquaintance of Sarissa Elidathis, a powerful Leverin awoken, one of the Striders of Harimali; and a Raven Knight. Her tales of adventure and excitement bewitched the young Marion, who himself is a powerful hydromancer; even for a male. Wishing to join Sarissa's Order, Marion pledged to join the Sacred Order.

In keeping with Ahes' matriarchal culture, Laetitia tried to Order Marion back into her custody, but Marion claimed Sarissa to be his 'Matron', giving the rabbit authority over him. Though Laetitia initially disputed this claim, she had no way of disproving it's validity. Instead, she and several sisters challenged Sarissa for her right to claim him, and was shocked to be defeated by the relatively soft looking rabbit.

Unable to prevent Marion from taking his Oaths in magic before the boys more powerful sister, Celeste could take up the challenge, Laetitia was publically banished from the Royal Court until such time that Marion could be returned to Ahes.

Privately, Laetitia is under orders from the Reine herself to keep an eye on and protect Marion when and where she can, joining the Order and serving alongside him. Despite the black mark on her record, the wise queen sees having two of the blood of Levinian within the illustrious Order as a savvy political move that can be exploited in the future. 

Like most Ahesian Otters, Laetitia is a hydromancer. Trained in the control of the element of water through the direct manipulation of mana. Though she is a Master of this, like all Naiads and Nereids, she is also at least 'Mage' level in most spells of the water as well as a journeymen at quintistry pertaining to her elemental affinity. This is why despite her substantial martial skills and mastery of the Ahesian falchion, the weapon her people are most known for, Laetitia's arcane abilities landed her under the preview of the Mages of the Order. 

She is currently a Raven Third Class and a member of Flight Adihikari, led by the young blade dancer Vega Lyrae.

Laetitia is described as a young woman whose voice and face are rather deadpanned. She often lacks the normal voice inflection, so it’s incredibly difficult to discern her intentions or emotions. This causes her to come across as overly serious, if not enthusiastic, even when this is not the intention.

She is often straightforward, but has a habit of making snarky or sarcastic remarks that are often dismissed as they are never spoken with much emotion of vehemence. Though she is also unabashed to speak her feelings aloud. Often telling others directly what she thinks of them, even if those opinions are lewd or romantically suggestive. She once told her superiors Captains Riyo and Reese that she would; ‘Satisfy them thoroughly every night’, should they choose to submit themselves to being her consorts.

It is only her expressionless face and unreadable demeanor that leaves many wondering whether she is serious or not. She is painfully honest and does not lie. She is dedicated to any oaths or duties she’s given, and despite being incredibly confident in her abilities and skills; has very little ego.
