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"That's a little grim..." Mallory stated, reading the text.

"Sure is sugar, it’s dangerous out there in the real world!.” Megogo replied in earnest.

As Master at Arms for the Sacred Order of Raven Knights, it was the duty of Megogo Asherah to make sure all of her young Raven’s were prepared for just about anything. From Orcs, ghouls, and revenants, to demons, lilin, and Elderian, Theria, no Elcrest itself was littered with preternatural creatures that the Ravens would have to contend with.

Currently the lioness was going over the ‘Arcane Bestiary’ with young Cleric, Mallory Cattenburry; a young Corriedale sheep and Ministrata who was in great need of her tutelage.

“This plant rapes you and then eats you?” the blushing lamb asked dubiously.

“Indeed! That's a Flaahgra, a heinous creature I’ve encountered a few times in my life.” Megogo began nonchalantly.

“They’re able to mimic the scenery of almost any terrain, morphing it’s tendrils texture, shape, and color to great effect. I’ve seen them mimic trees, brushes, and complex collections of vines and flowers.” she told a horrified Mallory.

She went on to explain how most of the carnivorous plants preyed on other creatures of mana, lying still for weeks at a time waiting for prey to happen by. The Bestiary showed in vivid illustrations how one would release a cloud of pheromones in an effort to put their victims to sleep; though only the mature Flaahgra’s pheromones were strong enough to fell a full adult kinlings.

“With those they cannot lull to sleep, they poison, slowing them down. The ‘Rape’ as you call it, only occurs when an adult Flaahgra is attempting to spread it’s spores. It wraps it’s tendrils around the victim and inserts them into the available orifices, pumping a thick liquid full of an agent that is a powerful narcotic, almost like Venusian nectar. Absorbing enough of the nectar makes the prey more malleable while they inject their spores. The poor victim will then be consumed from the inside out as the spores grow inside of them.” Megogo shrugged.

“That’s horrible!” Mallory cried.

“Why hasn’t the Order hunted these things down to the last!?” the little lamb demanded.

Placing her hands on Mallory shoulders, Megogo laughed.

“Oh we have, but the bureaucracy and commerce has gotten in the way.” she explained.

Looking back curiously, the young sheep wore a question on her face.

“Well, we can track and destroy adult Flaahgra, but young ones, not powerful enough to be a threat to most kin are prohibited.” she sighed.

Mallory looked back shocked.

“I know, I know, I thought the same. But apparently the Merchant’s Guild makes huge profits off of the young ones. When we find them, we’re to either seal them or capture them.” she shrugged.

As she knew she would, Mallory demanded to know what in the world the Merchant’s Guild wanted with these horrible creatures, and why the King would even agree to such a decree. Simply shrugging, Megogo replied;

“Sex sells sugar. From the aphrodisiac they make from it’s nectar. To the entertainment gained from those that are altered and stripped of their ability to grow much larger than a Harper’s hatchling; some folks pay top dollar for such exotic pets for their menagerie” The lioness explained in a tone that did not hide her disapproval.

Mallory didn’t have to ask to know what kind of folks would do such a foolish thing. After a moment she blushed and looked back down at the pictures in the book. Illustrations of the different ways tamed Flaahgra had been used.

“Half our job is dealing with irresponsible nobles who don’t have a healthy fear of dangerous magical things, isn’t it?” Mallory asked with a sigh.

Megogo laughed heartily. Her large breast pressing against the back of the little lambs head, squishing her coif.

“That a girl! They said you was quick. I think you’ll do just fine as a Raven, honey.” she encouraged.

Looking down at the absurdity on the page, Mallory was not so sure.



Seth T

This is so cute!

dragongodXD (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:23:16 Fun little insight on the annoying politics. And I like this style of lady megogo... And her get up. >..>
2021-08-05 14:04:05 Fun little insight on the annoying politics. And I like this style of lady megogo... And her get up. >..>

Fun little insight on the annoying politics. And I like this style of lady megogo... And her get up. >..>