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After swearing himself to the service of the young royal, the Wakokujin blade master Reese Akagi observed that his new lord, Prince Vandell was certainly peculiar; especially in comparison to his siblings.

Eldest brother Eland is the heir apparent, a studious, but prideful lion, who the circumstances of his birth has given quite the complex. He is well respected, but is known to be prone to brash decisions. 

Vandell's older sister, Jessamine, is the 'black sheep' of the family. Having turned her back on the courtly politics and royal decorum, she instead travels the land as an adventurer. Though none would openly disparage the King's first daughter, in private, many believe her to be uncouth, headstrong, and unladylike, though she is well loved and respected in the Northern Province where her Aunt the Archduchess holds her in high regard.

Princess Megan is the darling of the Kingdom. Beautiful, graceful, and able to play the roll of the perfect princess, many are unaware of her shrewd intelligence, penchant for mischief, and domineering nature. She is a princess that many would willingly fight and die for, with many a great warrior dedicating their deeds to the love of the lioness.

Vandell however is largely looked on with either scorn or apprehension. Most traditional lions in the Court held the boy in contempt for being a foppish gala; the archaic term they use for effeminate men. The prince's unrepentant pride in his girlish looks and rumors of his ability to seduce many of those same disapproving nobles has left the boy with quite the reputation as a quite the playboy. Despite no one ever being able to confirm such rumors.

This is because Vandell has the shrewd intelligence of his mother, the second Queen Azalyn. It was the blade master's observation that the young prince used cunning, intimidation, and manipulation to control the narrative about himself. Most are unaware of his clever machination and machiavellian strategizing due to the false impressions he portrays in court. While some see him as an irresponsible dandy, others have come to know him for his terrifying intellect and ability to gather secrets, information, and leverage against his foes. Though these two faces are incongruent to the face Reese sees whenever his lord's needs must be met.

In the bedroom the Prince enjoys being dominated, commanded, and controlled. Loving nothing more to submit to the whims of bigger, more powerful men. The pure joy and sexual gratification the Prince gets from being 'used' and subservient is in stark contrast to how well the girly lion is at manipulating and controlling other. 

Though Reese does not understand this odd personality trait, he nevertheless serves the Prince in this and all things. Even still, Reese is not without his own cleverness and works quietly to make sure that his Prince's predilections do not get the better of him; fearing the Prince might one day fall prey to his desires, submitting fully to someone who might take advantage of his position, skills, and needs for themselves.



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