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If you live long enough, you're gonna make decisions that'll leave you scratching your head, wondering; "Did I really just do that?"

If you're lucky, sometimes you look back on those choices fondly; no matter what kind of hell it caused you at the time. I have such a memory of my time as a squire for the Sacred Order of Holy Knights.

Based out of Mount Aneska in the floating highlands of Caprica, the Holy Knights are as close to the legendary, 'Knights Arcanus', as I've ever witnessed. Maybe even more so than the Raven Knights. I know the two Orders have clashed on occasion, but that was before my time. Unlike the rest of the furkin of the world, the Caprini are mostly 'Awoken'. A young ewe or ram being born mundane is such a rarity, that over ninety-two percent of the population are 'Adept'. Guess that's why they call it the Arcane Empire; though I think the lizardkin of Sauria would take offense to that.

When I was fourteen, I couldn't even imagine studying in Caprica. It was my plan to enroll at Leonarht Academy in Bast for my Knight's Training. My best friend and milk brother, Adolyn, was attending and it was our plan to go to the capitol and show out. I envisioned graduating early and maybe even squiring under a Royal Knight, maybe even one of the Kingsguard. Hell, I could see myself as a squire in Aslan or Nemea, apprenticing under one of the Home Guard of the Royal Families. Goddess knows I didn't want to stick around in Navaeh, dealing with my siblings.

Three of my older siblings, Cailan, Sophira, and Ashina were of Academy age. My sister Sophira was a mage, so she was enrolled at the Librarium Olcadan in Sylpheed. I wouldn't have been too concerned about going to Academy with her. For an Assyrius lioness, she is rather atypical. Patient, caring, and kind. Not demonstrably aggressive as is the norm. Ashina, my eldest sister fits that description quite well. She and Cailan were enrolled in Xenobia Academy. Even a small glimpse into their dynamic at the prestigious institute was more than enough to swear me off attending.

Cailan, the eldest of us and heir to the throne, attended first. He was by all accounts a good student. He acquitted himself well at most anything he was tasked, and enjoyed the petty favoritisms that came with his social status. I've seen more than one shameless bootlicker forfeit a match during tourney to stay in his good graces. The acts of lordlings whose ambitions would see themselves trained more as sycophants than knights of honor. The idea of subjecting myself to all that was not appealing.

Worse still was when my sister, Ashina enrolled. At two years younger than Cailan, she was a prodigy with a chip on her shoulders. Ours is not a primogeniture inheritance. The Assyrius family usually named heirs based on merit, but my father is a traditionalist, and if my mother has any failing at all, it's indulging his outdated views. He wished for Cailan, the eldest son to be the heir, but even a blind bat could tell that Ashina is more fit to succeed the throne. Something she is well aware of. So when she was enrolled in the Academy she wasted no time in proving that fact.

Ashina's abilities; academically, socially, and martially, highlighted Cailan's inadequacies. The girl was on a mission to crush all opposition and leave no doubt which of them was superior. She took on all comers, showing the world what a true 'Lord Knight' looked like. She took great delight in her efforts to best Cailan and his fragile little ego could not stand her excellence, or his own defeats. Their rivalry was the talk of the province and their retaliations against one another were petty and childish. Though Ashina was considered the most gifted Knight to come out of Xenobia Academy since my mother, her time their was full of contention. I for one did not want to be in the middle of her warpath, so I sent a courier crow to the Capitol of the Kingdom, Bast, and declared my intention to enroll at Leonarht. My mother however, had other plans.

"Glendriel, we must keep up our political relationships." My mother told me. She only used my full name when she was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear.

"As the second son of House Assyrius, it is your duty to represent the family in all things. So you will represent us in this." she all but ordered, talking about the Sain Academy in Aneska. To that point, I'd never been to the Arcane Empire. I'd heard stories and legends about Caprica and all that, but didn't know much. I ended up getting a crash course over the next few months and was shipped off before the Summer Solstice. I didn't get to see my friend Adolyn or even explain why I would not be attending in Bast. My time was filled with lessons on how to act as a noble, a guest, and a representative of the Lioncourt Royal Lineage. I think everyone was concerned about an international incident.

Much was made of the Caprini's religious views. They were a pious people, but not in the ways of the affirmed of the Church of the Goddess. The Caprini exalted the Draconians above all, considering them the messengers of the 'Creator'. They believe them to be Celestial Seeds, like the dragonkin, and that their divine blessing is what set sentient life in motion on the planet. They believe in the Goddess and the Creator, as we all do. They even show reverence and respect to Leodin's Eternian Pantheon, but the Caprini strongly believe that it was the Draconian's who paved the way for all divinity that came after them. An opinion not too popular with most furkin these days, seeing as how divine lizardkin had almost wiped us all out.

Assyria strongly supports the Church of the Goddess. There is no official 'faith' of any area of Lioncourt, but the Church of the Goddess would be it if there were. I myself am a believer, though not as devout; so my time there was eventful to say the least. Struggles and trials were expected, but the bullying and the prejudice I faced was difficult to bear sometimes; but I'm a big cat, I made it through.

I graduated in the top ten of my class and was eventually knighted by Paladin Kel Hastings himself. This was because instead of returning home to apprentice in my own kingdom, I decided to accept Holy Knight Jason Aeacus' mad idea that I squire under him, effectively making me a candidate for the Holy Knights of the Order. It was a scandalous decision, but not even the hardline xenophobes dared refuse one of the line of Kimbra. Though they did make my life difficult during my squireship.

That 'Did I really just do that?' moment came on my first official mission. I was seventeen, my mane wasn't even full yet. I was a brash young lion who thought he could take on the world. I'll admit I was insufferably pleased with myself. All bright-eyed and confident. I was so excited, after months of training and practice, I'd finally get to ride a gryphon. I and other Knights and squires would arrive in style for a diplomatic discussion in the north.

The synod gathered and decided an investigation into their friends in Belk was necessary. They wanted senior Knights to meet with the Belkin Emperor. The Holy Order was concerned that ancient ruins below the mountain, where tablets that held lost Caprini secrets, had been raided. All signs pointed to the Belkin military, and the synod tasked the Knights with getting answers. Given the relationship Belk and Caprica enjoyed after the cataclysm, no one thought it would be anything but a friendly chat. The rodentia of Belk had always been nothing but accommodating. Jason, mad bastard that he was, decided to volunteer. He insisted I come a long for added clout. I guess he figured having me there was like having both Caprica and Lioncourt putting pressure on the Belkin nobility. He was always pretty calculating like that.

It didn't matter, I never got to meet the Belkin Emperor. I was left in the Great Hall to mingle and see what information I could glean from the kin of the court. There is no 'aristocracy' in Caprica. Not like in Lioncourt or Belk. A theocratic society, their patricians were determined by faith and magical might. An odd social system that was hard for me to grasp. Since I had experience with courtly intrigue, I was the natural candidate to probe the local nobility for information.

That's when I met her. She said her name was Sanya and I didn't have a reason to doubt her. She was exceptionally cute. A young squirrel with a cream colored face that captivated the eyes. It was the face of an angel. I took her for my age, or at least about. She was a small thing, with long pink hair, that was up in a ponytail, that curled into little ringlets at the base. Her eyes sparkled the color of mulberries and she smelled of summer flowers and springtime dew. Something subtle, but evocative of days playing in the garden's in my youth.

Sanya wore a beautiful, white and purple, strapless dress, with gold trim and accessories. Real gold, not some fashionable ornament. It ended just below her knees with white frills showing from underneath. The girl wore sheer, purple, detached sleeves that were bound by jewel encrusted bangles that matched the stockings she was wearing. You could see her whiskey colored fur through the fabric. Though from her elbows and knees down, her fur was the color of toast, same as the back of her cute, round, little ears. My eyes followed down her form and even her shoes were fanciful and ornate. She looked like money. Definitely highborn. That was for damn sure!

While the other Knights were handling more important business, I was chatting up the daughter of some seemingly important local lord. I'd had worse assignments as a squire, so I didn't mind. She was delightful and an excellent conversationalist. Though I spoke with many that night, I always found my way back to her. I was sure she enjoyed my company as well, because she would greet me warmly and give me her full attention; even if she'd already been speaking to someone else.

As the night wore on and we got more comfortable in each others company, she began to push into my personal space. I didn't mind, her smell was refreshing and the warmth of her body was pleasant. We spoke, we laughed, we danced. Her fur was soft to the touch as I held her by the shoulders at one point, pushing back after we stayed embraced for a little too long after the music ended. The pink-haired sciuridae giggled jocundly and moved forward, her modest bosom pressed against my 'Dress' Uniform.

Without a care she wrapped her arms around my biceps, pulling herself into me with a turn. I felt Sanya's butt press into my lap, as she snuggled into the stolen embrace. She was certainly disarming. I couldn't decide if she was intrigued by a Holy Knight, or just some curious lordling, out to see the oddity of a Courtian lion that far north. Whichever it was Sanya had certainly charmed me. So much so that I didn't even think twice when she nuzzled her perfect, pink nose into my neck and asked;

"Would you like to see the throne room?"

I did, actually. I didn't even think to ask how we'd do it. I just followed her out the ballroom and down the different corridors, before we encountered a hallway lined with statues and defended by sentries. I didn't even ask any questions when she slipped the guards a gold coin each and they kindly looked the other way.

She led me by the hand and took me through the large, double doors, and into the great room where the Imperial Throne of Belk sat all tall and shiny. A simple thing, made of high quality wood, with few accoutrements. It wasn't at all grandiose or ornate as some I'd seen; but it still stood with all the majesty and purpose a throne should have.

On the walls sat the reliefs of the Belkin Emperors of the past. I took note of Albert Ludis Belk the IV. One of the Legendary Eleven, a hero during the Baptism of Fire. 300 Years ago my ancestor, Damrina Assyrius fought and died beside him. They say the two had become lovers after her husband, the Archduke, had fallen in battle a decade prior. My family maintains that the friendship was platonic, but I know the women in my family. Fierce, aggressive, and passionate. If she had feelings for the Emperor, she would have made him hers. No question. Assyrian lionesses tend to get what they desire.

He looked small in relief. From the ears he had to be a red-squirrel; much like most of the Belkin Royal Family, though the current Emperor Yuri Belk, looked to be a mix of several breeds. Definitely a mutt, but it was working for him. The man was six-foot two, and built like a rock. You don't often see rodentia get that tall or that hearty.

Sanya came by and grabbed my arm and looked up at the relief with me.

"Yeah, Albert the IV. Probably the only Emperor many outside the Empire can name." she started, looking up with a smile.

"Most outsiders only know that he was one of the Legendary Eleven and that he died in the final battle, but there's a lot that people don't know." she began. Intrigued, I asked her to elaborate.

She spun around and her dress followed her as she leaned against the pillar. With her hands pressed against the stone behind her, she smiled sweetly and agreed.

"Well firstly, he was the bastard son of Emperor Alexi Belk. His mother was an adventurer named Vitaliya. Alexi had hired her mercenary band to help track down ancient magical constructs that could aid Belk in the war. She dragged him on an adventure. When she got pregnant, Alexi hid this from the Empress and the royals, sending Vitaliya away." she began. Simpering wistfully, she looked at me.

"Vitaliya named him Albert to spite Alexi. Albert the III was Alexi's father. They say that she grew bitter that he would not accept his son. So instead of staying secluded, safe in the gilded cage the Emperor built for her, Vitaliya decided to fight, lending her services to the defense of the Free Timberlands; becoming a hero to the free kin. She was successful in her efforts for half a decade, but ultimately died heroically in battle. Vitaliya's loss hit everyone hard, including the Emperor, who was devastated by the news."

Pausing briefly to gather her thoughts, Sanya began to remove her jewelry. First her ornate neck dress, then her rings, and bracelets. Then finally her sleeves. She sat them down in a neat little pile to the left of the pillar. I didn't think to ask what she was doing. I'd become enthralled in the story.

"At the time, the dragonborn sorcerer who had killed Vitaliya and laid waste to the city she was protecting was well known. A general name Narsh. The young Albert, only six at the time, swore to avenge his mother. He would train hard to become a warrior, pairing his adequate swords skills with unique and creative magic, to become a eccentric but effective force on the battlefield. He went on many adventures in his pursuit of revenge, finally slaying Narsh at the Battle of Xerus. His victory made him a Hero and a Champion; one that his father, the emperor, could not ignore. With his own natural born children lost to the war, Alexi had no heirs. Despite the outrage it would cause, Alexi named Albert his heir, and welcomed him into his home. The rest is well, history. "

She then turned her captivating gaze on me and her grin grew almost lascivious.

"You know something about that history now don't you, being a descendent of Damrina Assyrius and all?" asked Sanya. I thought the question was rhetorical. Being who I am, I knew that well.

"I never told you I was an Assyrius..." I teased. Rolling her eyes she turned around and gestured at the back of her dress.

"Want to give me a hand, Lord Glendriel." she teased right back. I was dumbfounded for a moment. Not by the fake formality in her addressing me by my title, but at what she actually wanted me to do. I made to ask, but couldn't quite find the words. Her glittering eyes fixed me as she looked back over her shoulder;

"I want you to help me remove my dress, Lord Glendriel." clarified Sanya. Her tone of voice was patient, but she also sounded like she thought I was being thick. I stepped close and did as I was bid. It was as simple as unclasping a few things and untying a little bow. She wasted no time shrugging the dress off and stepping out of it. I looked away as she bent over to pick it up and she giggled at my modesty.

"Awww, is this your first time?" she asked as she held the pose and wrapped her tail around me. It was soft and fluffy, and she moved it well. Like it was prehensile, but I knew it wasn't. Still, she did a very good job of grasping as she looked back, wiggling her cute little ass at me.

I looked then. A bit annoyed at having my pride challenged. It was a glorious sight. She wore pink panties, with a flowery lace. The stitching was so intricate that I was sure it costed more than any garment I ever owned. Though the kin of Assyria, even the nobles tend to be practical dressers, we do know luxury. I seen expensive garments. Hell, I've removed them on a few women myself. I'd never seen anything as opulent as her lingerie. It was definitely a garment that demanded to be seen.

She picked up her dress and hung it on the pointing sword of a statue and then took off her shoes and stockings. I thought she might get completely naked, but she said she wanted to get some mileage out of her undergarments. She bought them special for such an occasion.

Sanya stepped toward me then, placing a hand on my crotch and pulling me to her with her insistent tail.

"I've always been fascinated with lions, you know. The stories and legends of how Belk fought alongside Lioncourt excited me as a child." she cooed, rubbing.

"My father's position has afforded me access to all kinds of text and documents here in the castle. I was practically raised here. I can assure you, Emperor Albert and Damrina were lovers. His journals were quite clear about their relationship, and the prowess of Assyrian lions. I've read them all and have always wondered what it would be like." the lordling continued, unfastening my belt.

"Then the rumors started! Caprini is sending Holy Knights to talk with the Emperor! One of them is a lion, an Assyrian lordling. I was intrigued."

She unzipped my pants and reached up to my neck, pulling me down to meet her. Our muzzles were close and I wanted to kiss her so badly. But she stopped short and smiled.

"Imagine my surprise when he finds me and he's tall, handsome, and utterly charming! Everything I thought he would be."

Her other hand fiddled with something on my waist, unbuttoning my pants. They immediately fell to the ground. I could feel my arousal pressing hard against my boxers. Her rubbing increased and she looked me right in the eyes as she licked my muzzle.

"And then he comes around and around. Always coming back to me. Always laughing, always charming me. Then without a word, he lets me whisk him away to somewhere dangerous, somewhere private. I think maybe he likes me. I think maybe I like him."

Sanya's hands gripped me then. Her paw pushing through my boxers and grabbing the shaft of my penis. I couldn't speak, because my mouth was otherwise occupied. She kissed me hard and feverishly. Her tiny tongue made circles around mine as she pressed her body forward. I was almost overwhelmed by the sensations. I can't tell you what felt better. The kiss, or the fact that this beautiful young squirrel was masterfully stroking my cock.

“A little forward, aren’t we?” I managed to eke out through my heaving breathing. The pretty squirrel grinned mischievously and brushed her hand down my body, lowering herself to the ground. She didn’t take her eyes off mine the whole time as she squatted between my slightly spread legs.

“Isn’t that what you lions are used to? I hear lionesses are quite aggressive in matters such as these.” she teased. She was right of course. Back home, quite a few of the ladykin were rather brazen by nature. It's always been that way. Lionesses, hyenas, and the lemurkin for sure. I’d even heard that the nomadic elephants shared a similar dynamic with their males, though I'd never met a single one myself.

“I imagine it is different among your kin?” I asked, trying not to shutter as she nuzzled my penis.

“Oh no,” she replied absently.

“Here in Belk the males think they own you. Always preening and posturing; flicking their fluffy tales like their something special.” Sanya scoffed.

Then I felt her tongue run up the bottom of my shaft and she giggled in delight when I twitched.

“I’ll admit, forward as I am. I’ve not seen too many pricks in my day. Been close to even less...”

Her words came softly, like she wasn’t even talking to me anymore. I watched in awe as she pressed her palm against my member and began to bath it back and forth with her tongue. The Belkin lordling took great pleasure in every little shake and shudder my body made in response to her attention. She looked absolutely pleased when I gasped out loud when she put the head in her mouth and began to tease it with her tongue.

I got a wolfish grin from her as she pulled it down with both hands and looked me straight in the eyes.

“I’d get it if any of them were walking around with a treasure like this between their legs. Instead, I’m usually beset by arrogant fools who are often overcompensating for one thing or the other.” She laughed.

“But not you, you’re just as I imagined.”

I thought she’d say more. It was obvious she’d thought a lot about it. Not me in particular, but sex with bigger males. I almost asked her about it. It seemed terribly dismissive of her own kinlings, but somehow the thought blinked out existence the second her mouth engulfed my prick. The warm feeling of her maw sent shivers up my spine and I let out a meek little roar, before clasping my hands over my mouth to stifle the undignified sound.

I could feel her laughing as her throat vibrated around my length. She didn’t stop bobbing as she did, just held on tighter to keep herself steady.

It felt amazing, but I could tell it was either her first time with someone of my size and girth, or she hadn’t had much experience. After telling her she should probably breathe through her nose after she nearly suffocated herself once or twice, I decided it was both. She looked embarrassed for the first time at my words, worried for the first time that she’d ‘lost me’ in her grand seduction. I assuaged those fears by blowing a huge load right over her muzzle to reward her efforts. Though I warned her it was coming, she still looked surprised.

For a moment she simply took her time in cleaning and licking up the warm spunk on my dick. The look of easy determination and arousal returned to her face and she once again was putting on a bit of a show. She then looked up to me and began licking her chops. I wanted to cum again as I watched her run her small fingers around the top of her muzzle to make sure she’d consumed every bit of my milk that she could. The squirrel was pretty pleased with herself as she watched my cock jump in response. It’d made me so hard it almost hurt.

Instead of letting her continue to dictate the encounter, I decided to show a little of the aggressiveness we lions are known for. Gripping her shoulders I lifted her up into the air, she went vertical a few feet and I caught her by her waist. She made a surprised whooping noise, but otherwise sounded pleased. Getting what I was playing at, she wrapped her legs around my neck and hugged into me. The smell of her  warm ladyhood set my soul on fire. I had to have a taste, but as I nuzzled in, she bid me to wait.

“Not here...” She breathed heavily, before gesturing behind her. I lifted her again so I could see what she was pointing at and my heart skipped a beat.

“The throne?” I asked incredulously. She giggled and nodded.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun. I can play the Empress and you can be my naughty knight, pleasing his Lady when her Emperor could not.” she teased.

I could tell by the way her arousal trickled down her leg that the thought was especially alluring for her. It was an almost sacrilegious idea, and that was before the little roleplay of infidelity against a monarch. I knew such things happened, but it seemed a bit disrespectful to think about. Also incredibly hot. Despite my misgivings, I was all for it.

Throwing he over my shoulder I replied;

“As you wish my Empress...” playing along with her little game. Sanya giggled as we walked over and stood before the daise that sat the throne. If I’d been thinking about anything else but the taste of her dripping pussy, I might have looked around a bit. Instead I let her motivate me with her sultry language and insistent hips. I already had my tongue  running across her womanly folds before good sense could take hold of me.

She was a responsive lover. Her legs gripped the back of my neck tightly as I felt lithe little fingers round through my hair. She took a firm grasp every time I pressed down on her clit with my mouth, crying out  loudly, sending an echo through the throne room.

“That’s it... use that thick tongue of yours.” she encouraged, scooting down in the throne. I must have been doing a great job, because I could feel her nectar dribble down my chin and stain the fancy fabric of the regal chair. Something about the entire situation was just so exciting, and when she came, she made sure I lapped up every drop.

Giving her no time to rest, I stood with my full erection standing hard and strong. She breathed heavily, but made no protest as I lowered myself to enter her. Sanya cried out with glee as I parted her folds and pressed my manhood deep inside. I covered the sound with my mouth and we kissed feverishly as I began to move my hips.

The sex was amazing and it lasted quite a while. First with her sitting down, legs spread across the arms of the throne, then from behind. She let me take her anyway I wanted and didn’t care at all when I filled her womb with my seed. I of course regularly partake in the consumption of Mindell Root and other such contraceptive remedies. As a noble, it’d been drilled into me at a young age to be careful with my seed, but to be honest I wouldn’t have minded emptying every drop into her. She was funny, smart, sexy, and interesting. You could do a lot worse with ladies of the court, and I was smitten.

I finally came for the last time with her sitting upon my throne. She leaned back into me with a kiss as she came herself, drenching my balls and the chair with her femininity. The soft girations and pulses of her orgasim sent me over, and I aided my fluid to hers. When it was all over, we just sat there, breathing heavily together and I wondered for the first time would there be any consequences for my actions. The throne was a mess.

That is when I heard a soft clapping from across the room. As my eyes fell upon our audience, my heart sank and I’m sure the color drained from the skin under my fur. I was probably so immediately stressed that I couldn’t catch my breath. I sat there dumbfounded and embarrassed staring at Annika Loginova, the Empress of Belk, escorted by two of her Imperial Guard.

“Quite the performance, young lion... you’re certainly a verile one, aren’t you?” she said in a voice that was both complementary and playful. Sanya rolled her eyes, but otherwise made no move to cloth herself.

“My apologies, your Imperial Majesty...” I blurted out. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. The empress chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

“An apology? For which transgression, my boy?” she asked with a smile. Her eyes looked a bit predatory as she eyed me up and down.

The Empress was a beautiful, mature squirrel. Short, but boxum. Her hair was carnation pink and her eyes were mint green. Looking at her closely I could see familiarity in her. She was beautiful, the kind of beauty I’d seen before. The kind of beauty I’d just experienced, actually.

I looked to Sanya and then to the Empress, realization hitting me all at once.

“Your name is not Sanya, is it?” I asked. The beautiful squirrel simply leaned back into me and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

“No...” she stated simply, ignoring the Empress. Instead, she unashamedly grinded into me, still riding the last waves of her orgasm. She seems unconcerned with being seen in this way.

I wanted to ask who Sanya actually was, but it was obvious. More obvious still when my wandering eyes fell upon the large portrait above the throne and I could see the Empress, the Emperor, their son and daughter, painted beautifully on an expensive canvas in a jewel encrusted gold frame.

“That apology?” the Empress asked, tapping her foot expectantly.

“I uh...” I couldn’t think of what to say, so she decided to speak for me. Running her hands through her flowing, pink hair, the beautiful, mature, squirrel sighed;

“I’m sure you’re not at all sorry for your little entanglement with my daughter.” she began. She then gave the young ladykin on my lap a knowing smile and added;

“I strongly doubt she’s sorry either.”

Motioning to one of her guards, the Queen ordered a room be prepared for her daughters ‘guest’.

“I’m certain you’re not sorry for defiling the throne room.” she sighed, shrugging.

“I was once young and I too have had an adventure or two in this place.” she laughed while waving around. She gave her other guard a knowing wink, but he would not meet her eyes.

A particular hearty looking chipmunk, the remaining guard looked everywhere but at his two charges. Like me, I imagine he wanted to be anywhere else.

“So then what are you apologizing for?” she asked simply. I had no answer. Instead, the ladykin I knew only as Sanya answered for me.

“She’s upset we’ve messed up the chair.” the princess huffed, rolling her eyes. The Queen clapped her hands in response.

“Indeed!” she confirmed.

“Do you know how long it will take to clean your love stink off of the throne, Katya?” she admonished her daughter. Unrepentant, ‘Katya’ leaned back and kissed me on the cheek. She didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed to be caught in such a compromising position. I, on the other hand, was worried I might lose my lunch. I wasn’t sure why the two royals were being so casual in the situation, but it certainly was disturbing.

I was so distracted by the nonchalants of the two squirrelkin that I didn’t notice that my manhood had decided to betray me. With my eyes on both Katya and her mother, Annika, I couldn’t help but grow aroused. It didn’t help that Katya had not stopped fondling the whole time. Seeing this, Annika smiled and removed her fancy shaal.

“Seems you’re not enough to satisfy your hardy prey, little Katya. I thought I taught you better than that.” she grinned, handing the shaal to her guard.

“If you're going to make political allies in this way, you need to be more thorough.” she smiled undressing. I had no words for the event; and the look in her guards eyes was one of pity for me, rather than jealousy or admonishment. I had managed to fall into a trap, one that I think few ever had the pleasure of enjoying. We spent the next few hours utterly defiling the throne of Belk.

I would later find that my Knight’s Master had not gotten the answers he’d wanted from the Emperor, and with my dalliance with the Princess and Empress, a bit of a deal was struck between my family and Belk. Through an echosphere, my family had been contacted and told of my ‘courtship’, of the young princess Katya and the Belkin were eager to cease the opportunity to use the situation to their advantage. With word spreading like wildfire. The idea that a union between myself and the Belkin Princess might be a thing, changed the political climate quickly, and the Holy Knight’s were summoned back to Caprica at once, our mission unfilled.

Despite all my training in courtly intrigue and my lessons in how to avoid being outmaneuvered by other nobles and royals, I’d utterly failed both my family and the Holy Knights. I just didn’t expect the Belkin to play so dirty. Katya came to see me before we left. She’d made a show of gifting me a handmade bracelet, a Belkin sign of courtship. I tried to be gracious, but I was upset. She’d played me for a fool.

“Don’t be angry with me, my powerful knight.” She whispered into my ear as she placed the bracelet on my wrist.

“I meant all I said to you...” she promised, kissing me on my cheek.

“You took advantage of me...” I grumbled.

“I did,” she shrugged, without a hint of remorse. Sir Jason gave me a sympathetic grin as I stood fuming, but Katya was  undeterred.

She placed another kiss on me, this time on my lips.

“Be kind, Glen. After all, we are courting.” She snickered. Despite my anger, I smiled. She was truly lovely, even though I now knew that she was devious and cunning.

I felt Jason’s hand on my shoulder as we both watched her walk away, and the older stag simply laughed gruffly as he patted me.

“Don’t fret kid. If a ladykin like that were after me, I’m not sure I’d have done much better.” He assured me. I wasn’t so certain. Jason was a mad bastard, but he was wise.

Though I wanted to apologize for ruining the mission, my Knight’s master simply waved me off and continued to watch Katya as she walked away. As I watched her swaying hips and waving tail, I smiled. I certainly screwed up, and I’d rightfully deal with the consequences; but right then watching her leave; I knew exactly why I’d done what I did. Now it was all about how much I’d regret it.



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