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The relationship between a Sworn Sword and their master is a sacred one in the Dalish Culture. It is relationship that transcends friendship, service, and even love. A Dalishkin becomes a Sworn Sword at a young age, most often times to fulfill a life debt. Sworn Swords are raised and trained alongside their charge from the age of six to fulfill their duties. Their service is a lifelong commitment.

Soven Kellen chose to be the Sworn Sword of Adolyn Valenrow after first refusing the honor. Though seemingly brash, haughty, and dismissive of her feelings for her charge, Soven is fiercely loyal to him. She often takes pride in her role in his life, using it to annoy her betters whom lust and fawn after her lord.

 Her bond with Adolyn is strong and she takes her position as his sword incredibly seriously. Since Sworn Swords cannot be wed or married, nor can they pursue relationships that may compromise their bond with their Masters, most tend to gain physical and romantic gratification from their Masters. Many outside of the culture refer to them as 'Sworn Mistresses' derogatorily. Dalish however do not share this view, seeing the relationship as a beautiful reflection of their life bond. 

If a Sworn Sword is of the opposite sex, it is expected that at least one child is produced to strengthen bonds between the two families. The child is usually fostered by the Sworn Swords family, though such a birth is forbidden before a true heir is born.
