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Princess Megan de Lioncourt is a benevolent and charismatic royal who uses her position and status as a 'Maiden of Mana' to help the people. Maiden's of Mana are special among the Royal Family, as carrying the blood of the God King Leodin and the Druid Bast, women of the Royal Line are born with certain special hereditary abilities allowing them more powerful control of the flow of Mana. Some say they can communicate with the Goddess Angea herself. Though most, including the Princess herself maintain that to be a myth.

Maidens sport a deep spirit wells that rival even dragonkin and have incredible reserves of quintessence. The most Famous Maiden being the Queen of Hearts, Alanzia de Lioncourt. Though Megan has the potential to be as mighty and as storied as her legendary Ancestor, she lacks the drive.

Meg instead enjoys being a celebrity, more so with the common people than with the 'sycophantic nobles' who often try to gain her favor. She is both a very loving ruler, but also a great daughter and sibling. As she gets along with and is liked by both of her brothers and both of her mothers. She is the apple of her father's eye.

Despite seeming ditzy and a bit carefree, she is every bit the daughter of Azalyn de Lioncourt. Behind her smile and pink dresses lies a very realistic, strategic, cunning, and political mind, that is willing to use all of her considerable assets to accomplish tasks. While her brother Vandell is the Raven Prince, and her older brother, Eland, is the Crown Prince; it is Meg, the Pastel Princess who is beloved and well known throughout the land.

A late bloomer, Meg's magical might did not manifest until late in life, so she did not have a chance to attend classes at a Librarium, instead, she was trained directly by the Court Sorceress the Powerful Sierra. As such, her magical proficiency and education is largely a mystery to outsiders.

