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Controlling her breathing, Elaine stood tall against her foe. Her deep blue eyes shone like sapphires as she stared him down. He was a large mongrel. A wolf. One of the innu kinlings from the far north; an Amaroki. Through the bangs of his long, thick, raven locks, that followed behind him like a tail to the small of his back, she could see him staring at her apathetically. His amber eyes glowed ever so slightly. A sign of arcanery. She knew he was assessing her with preternatural sight. Most likely looking for weaknesses.

The wolf’s name was Torian Akuja, she’d learned. He was one of the Amaroki’s imakandi; warriors and hunters of great skill and repute. She’d heard tales of their prowess as trackers, but not much about them in single combat. Imakandi usually worked in packs. They were said to be able to work as one mind while executing their trade. Were they any good in a stand up fight?

“I wonder...” she thought. Whether or not they were, the shining cat meant to find out first hand.

As she unsheathed her sword, he drew his. The canine’s was an odd thing. It looked to be primitive, though the craftsmanship was amazing. Even without focusing she could feel the power in the material. It had quintessence... lots of it. The residual energy of some long dead beast she supposed.

“The bones of an ice dragon.” the wolf stated.

“What?” Elaine was taken by surprise. Had he read her mind. No, that was absurd. He must just be incredibly intuitive. The eyes of a hunter she supposed. Her gaze must have lingered too long on his weapon. The pandorican warrior would take that as a warning. A keen eye is always a dangerous obstacle to overcome.

She wasted little time beginning the bout. Her anchor was not hard to establish. The wolf’s soul body was strong. Many didn’t understand just how much more effective the ‘shadow dance’ was against opponents with deeper spirit wells. The asomatous representation of a kinlings link to the flow is a natural defense against the arcane and supernatural. Warriors like Elaine could reach out and connect their soul bodies to others, though it was impossible to manipulate them without strong arcane ability. Instead, Pandorican’s turned brute force into beautiful art as they pulled upon them with the tether they’d formed between soul bodies. Since such an action is not enough to move a soul body, the inevitable reaction of a strong pull is catapulting the user. Elaine shot forward like a bat out of hell.

The speed and control of a ‘shadow step’ depended on the skill of the user. Elaine was one of the best. She closed the distance between her and the Amaroki in a blink of an eye. To her chagrin, he’d moved. He was fast, much faster than she’d expected, but not as fast as her shadow step. She couldn’t figure out how he’d dodged.

The two clashed blades as she danced around him. Pushing and pulling on her anchor to gain a movement advantage. The snow warrior seemed to anticipate her moves, turning to defend just as she darted around. Of course one as adept as he could feel the tether between them, but could he use that to anticipate her movements. It seemed unlikely, but you never knew. She had seen it happen in the past.

The wolf’s  eyes betrayed no emotion, he simply flowed with her movements. When the pressure got too much she pushed hard and regained her distance.

“Not bad...” she thought reassessing him. The wolf’s guard was up into somewhat of an ox stance. Legs were bent slightly. Sword high, parallel to his shoulders, and resting a bit over his arm, pointed at her. He moved. Slightly, but not meaningfully. It was like looking at running water. His swaying was almost imperceptible. Most likely meant to disguise any sudden movement.

“So they are trained in singular combat.” Elaine mused. Imakandi were indeed impressive, but she too was part of a group of elite fencers, and hers had been honed specifically for taking down swordsmen such as he.

Everyone in Theria knew of Pandorica’s illustrious ‘Blade Dancers’. Their speed, grace, and skill in battle were legendary; even as far north as Amarok. Elaine was one of the more talented duelist of her generation, her choice of weapon announced that. Though the panda wielded the standard blade of her discipline, the khasian swallow, Torian could tell it was no ordinary blade.

It was a curious thing about 24 inches long, that curved from it’s middle forward and dipped back, curving to it’s point. It looked light enough in weight to be a single handed blade, but the semi curved handle was obviously made for both single and two handed strikes. Curiously, the guard was slight. Made in such a way that it looked less about defending the wielder's hands, and more about comfortability in how it moved from hand to hand. No doubt something sacrificed for the user style of fighting.

The imakandi could sense the weapon's preternatural power from where he was. What the southerners would call a ‘kirlian eye’, showed him that weapon was full of inua, the very life essence of all existence. Her weapon was obviously enchanted. Perhaps made of one of the divine metals. Clarion ore was the source of Pandorica’s riches afterall. It would make sense that their elite would construct arcane arms of the material. Her armor too seemed to be made with the same ore. The essence of her soul body ran through it all and leaked into the rivinua. She was serious about this fight.

She came at him again. This time, much faster than before. He could see her clearly during her first assault, but the movement now caused him to see her as a bit of a blurry shadow. He wasn’t concerned. He knew where she was going. Though she suspected he anticipated her movements through her push and pull on his soul body, the truth was much more complex.

Unknown to those outside of their culture, the imakandi could feel the flow, or what they called the rivinua completely. Like fish, they felt movements, sounds, and vibrations through the rivinua, with their soul body reacting before their physical bodies did. Imakandi could sense around them for a great distance, 360 degrees if the hunter was talented at honing this extra sense. With a little speed and talent of his own, he could use it to anticipate and form a defense against a blade dancer's vaunted speed.

Firstly, his complete control allowed him to alter the flow around himself. Pressing out with his soul body to create ripples and waves. Focusing on flying around him, Elaine had no idea that his actions subtly manipulated and altered her path. At the point of attack, after her burst, she would be slowed. When she wished to re-anchor and change direction, she would be delayed. The disruptions would be slight, but potent, giving Torian the ability to counter with his own extraordinary abilities.

Imakandi had the clairsentient ability to scry information, empathic memories, and abilities from the remains of living beings. This is why their weapons, armor, and equipment were made of the bones of great mana beasts. Torian drew upon the remnants of a shadow stalker, whose skull had been mystically forged into his pauldron. Along with the creature's strength and enhanced sense of smell, the mana beast had the ability to temporarily ride the rivinua. It’s soul body swimming along the flow, dragging it’s physical body behind. The speed of such movements were temporary. Only able to be used in short bursts. The damned things used it to dodge harpoons, spears, and arrows... frustrating hunters to no end.

Torian meant to use the ability in the same way. Alone, it would not match the god speed movement of the blade dancer, but combined with his other abilities it was more than enough to create a good defense.

The wolf dodged and parried; knocking Elaine off balance. She recovered before he could capitalize, but he knew where she wanted to go. Ducking back, he spun, using her movement to limit the amount of time his back was to his opponent. Despite the inertia her speed gave her, his advantage in raw power was a real problem. Her dance was beautiful and graceful, but not deadly. She could find no way to push her advantage. Sensing her frustration, the hunter changed tact, stepping into her dance and thrusting his hip into her. She spun away to avoid the hit just as the ebony lupi thought she would. He was able to strike her across the chest, his blade digging into her armor. Again the shining cat retreated to a safe distance.

The hunter had not asked for this battle. He had come as a guest seeking diplomatic relations. The idea of an exhibition was the request of the beauteous but whimsical Queen, Asura Aeon. In the palace a request from the ‘Red Queen’ was tantamount to an order. These duels were often used as entertainment. A bit of ritual combat that was key to friendship making in the Pandorican culture, or so they said. He had read of such a thing in the past, but knew that there was another, more pragmatic reason for such an indulgence. The Queen never missed an opportunity to show off the might of her warriors. A simple show of power to any potential trouble makers.

Often the bouts are just a show. A brutal performance to give foreign dignitaries a slight glimpse at what a blade dancer could do. Those who bear witness to the god speed of their, ‘Shadow Dance’, did not often try anything funny in the presence of the Red Guard. The Queen would not waste a chance to test their mettle against an imakandi like Torian. It was a rare treat to see one of his numbers that far south.

“Trying to learn our secrets, maybe” Torian mused.

He would agree to her demand, of course. As Kaidon he represented his village and tribe. An imakandi was everything to his people, not just revered hunters, but they represented the best of Amarok. As a member of the ‘Council of Alpha Lupi’ he would negotiate with the Queen and her council directly. He’d hoped the bond he and Queen Asura shared would be enough to forgo such formalities. Torian and the Queen descended from heroes of the Baptism of Fire. Both shared the blood of one of the Nine Pillars, Torian the 1st and Ithica the Bloody Queen respectively. However, Queen Asura was said to be a capricious ruler. She’d welcomed him warmly, but her request for the match brokered no argument. She expected him to fight.

In the dark blue eyes of Elaine, Torian could see determination. She smelled of excitement and anxiety. This was no simple exhibition, he suspected. The blade dancer had somewhat of a chip on her shoulder. It was obvious. She looked like a young hunter standing before Mount Kali’onaka, ready for a proving. What she had to prove was unclear, but the sentiment was unmistakable. The red panda would not back down. She would make it difficult. Groaning and cast a gaze over to the Queen.

“What a mess you’ve made for me.” he thought as he smiled at her. She returned his smile. Her face brightened with an expression of polite equanimity. Asura was as lovely as they claimed. Her son too was quite fetching. Torian was sure he’d charmed all those who met him. Most of his red tried to disguise meaningful glances as they pretended to pay attention to the bout. Surely he had been quite popular. But then again, red pandas were known for their exceptional beauty.

“Fetching indeed,” the wolf thought, as his gaze then fell on one particular member of their number, a red panda whom he had previously been acquainted with.

To the right of the Queen, between her and her son, was an exceptionally lovely Pandorican. Classically beautiful with long black hair, soft as silk and shining just as well, Sayuri Seiji stood with a knowing smile. She was the real reason he had come. The ‘Crimson Hand of the Queen’ had encountered Torian in the past. Out on a secret mission for her lady no doubt. During their meeting, it was suggested that Torian seek an audience with the Queen. So, when he had the free time, he did so.

Sayuri must have known what would happen. Though the wolf suspected Sayuri thought she would be crossing blades with him. She had skill and grace, but he was talented and hearty. Sayuri underestimated him the first time and was defeated, but only barely. His endurance won him the day. She fared no better in their rematch either, losing that duel more soundly. Though that contest took place with weapons of a different kind. She had skill and grace, but his endurance won him the night. The kaidon smiled at the memory.

The veteran blade dancer must have known what he was thinking, because she gestured back to him flirtatiously.  With a wink, she blew him a kiss, muzzle mouthing;

‘Don’t get cocky...’

No one seemed to notice it but him and it brought a sheepish grin to his face. A grin that got Elaine’s goat. She scowled, growling low.

“If you are ready, Kaidon...” she snapped, dropping back into her stance. Torian shrugged and readied himself.

“Are you?” he asked. Without a word, the guardswoman took her stance. Her tell twitched as it shuffled around. A sign of her irritation. This didn’t go unnoticed by her opponent who simply stated;

“Come then, my dear... dance with me.”

This time things were different. As she pulled on the tether and began her approach, Torian moved. He did not retreat or dodge, no, this time he moved forward. His speed had certainly increased from their last exchange. The sudden movement put Elaine on the defensive. She had to parry and dodge as his attacks came in furious succession. Though her speed of movement and agility was superior, his strikes were coming faster than she could defend with her blade, and her khasian swallow was not made to block repeated powerful strikes. If she couldn’t redirect, he’d simply over power her.

To compensate she drew upon her quintessence, bolstering her physical attributes. This gave her more strength and speed, but not enough to overcome her disadvantage. Instead she relied on her skills, moving to a more elaborate dance; the white lotus.

The white lotus dance was a dance that incorporated parries, thrusts, and redirected strikes. It was a dangerous dance because it didn’t rely on flying all around the opponent. This was all physical talent bolstered by preternatural power. Designed specifically to overcome the specific advantage the wolf had been exploiting. She would use her speed and closeness to meet his blade closer to the base of her sword, shedding it quickly to the left and right before sliding and taking a strike. This could help lessen the disadvantage her khasian swallow had in such engagements.

It should have worked. Her form was perfect and she had certainly accounted for all of Torian’s ‘tricks’. Well, all those she’d seen so far. So when he turned into her strike, bouncing her sword off his protected abdomen and moving into her body, she was surprised. Before she could react, he moved his free hand deftly, grabbing the bottom of her swords handle and wrenching it away.

She responded by dancing about him and using her speed to strike at his sword, intending to take it as he took hers. This however had been the trigger of his trap. As her left hand gripped the handle below his hand and her other slapped against the flat edge of the blade to disarm him, Elaine felt a burst of fire in her hands.

The burning sensation was like nothing she’d ever felt and she screamed out loud, but could not move her hands away. Soon they felt cold and numb. With wide eyes she stared at her hands which were now bound to the blade in thick envelopes of ice.

“Ice Dragon bones...” he whispered, before using the weapon as leverage to force Elaine to her knees. As her sword’s blade caressed her neck Torian uttered the three words she dreaded to hear.

“Do you yield?” he asked. Elaine said nothing, just lowering her head in defeat. It was obvious to all the match was over. She didn’t need to say anything to tell it. Instead, silence fell over the room as all of her brothers and sisters in the guard watched her capitulate to the victor.

Despite her expectation, the wolf was magnanimous in his victory.

“You are quite the warrior.” He complimented. At first, Elaine scoffed, afraid his words were just a placation. But soon she realized she had earned his respect. Despite not being a hunter as he was, the red panda had keen eyes of her own. As the sound of reserved applause erupted around her, beginning of course with the Queen and then the other nobles in attendance, Torian had not bothered to bask in the attention.

Helping Elaine to her feet, he first concerned himself with her condition and then her pride, explaining that experience had won him the day. Neither she or Sayuri had been the first blade dancers he had encountered. The imakandi had apparently almost been killed in the encounter, the dancer had been in the employ of a criminal organization. His life had been spared by the timely intervention of his pack. The incident had given him the inspiration to study what he could of the unique fencers of Pandorica. In his encounter with her senior, Sayuri, the ‘Crimson Hand of the Queen’ had not fought with everything she had. He’d defeated her because he had. The experience gave him special insight into defending against blade dancers in the future. Elaine had unfortunately been the first test of his strategy.

“I’m certain if you knew as much about me and how I fight as I know about you, the duel would have been much more even.” he offered. Elaine was forced to agree. ‘Know thy enemy’ was the first rule of battle.

“Thank you for your kind words.” Despite her smile, she felt anything but jubile. She had always been a sore loser.

“Perhaps we can discuss our mutual skill set later, perhaps over some of that Camellian Tea?” he invited. The blade dancer could only look puzzled for a moment, before her eyes betrayed her thinking. Glancing over to her Queen she wondered if that would be alright. The Queen certainly had a plan for their honored guest. Likewise, Lady Sayuri seemed to have a fondness for the black wolf that she didn’t care to hide. Both women were her betters and would surely feel slighted by such a thing.

“But neither would do anything about it, lest they betray their own intentions.” Elaine thought. The careful waltz of courtly politics and relationships was as intricate as any blade dance.

Both Sayuri and the Queen seemed to sense something was up. The Queen betrayed no emotion either way, but her smiling gaze fell upon Elaine. Sayuri’s expression was more obvious, frowning an expression of unbitten jealousy at how friendly the two combatants now looked. Elaine winked at her, soliciting a response as Sayuri mouthed;

“Don’t you dare...” Elaine ignored her. She would win at something today.

“You know, up close you look like less of a mongrel.” she purred. Torian smiled.

“I am flattered.”

“As you should be,” she teased. Looking over to the others with a sly smile she finally added;

“I would love to join you for a spot of tea, snow warrior.” It would seem the Dancer’s duel was just beginning.



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