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Little Lyndaria here, called Lyn by her friends, is a young noblekin from Maahes. Being from the crown lands, her family line had long supported the Lioncourt royal family and both her mother and father served in Lioncourt's campaign to liberate the Pandorican's during the Valdinian siege.

The second child of Baron Jacoby  Vaylian of Vaylin Ridge, Lyndaria was not in line to inherit her families land, that honor would go to her older sister Harley. Instead Lyndaria was groomed to be a night of Lioncourt, but awoke to the flow of mana at five in such a way that he family thought it best that she attend Arcane instruction at the Olcadan in Esna, the first, and largest Magus Librarium campus in Lioncourt. 

Under the instruction of the Librarium mages, it was found that though powerful in the flow, Lyndaria lacked the proper source retention to be a mage. Though she could cast some spells, mostly basic evocation and enchantment spells, she excelled at direct manipulation of mana and martial prowess. Thus Lyndaria's  studies leaned more towards becoming a Rune Blade, with extensive instruction in mancery.

Lyndaria's elemental affinity as a mancer is lightning, making her an electromancer; able to manipulate the flow of mana to create and control electrostatic discharges. Lyn also has a strong affinity for aeromancy as well, but isn't nearly as talented at it's control, and often supplemented this with the minor magics she could call upon.

Lynadaria did not take the Rune Knight's path and continue her education under the Librarium, instead she took her skills to Bast, and studied at the famed Leonardt Knight's Academy. From fourteen to seventeen Lyndaria excelled at the Academy and quickly gained the notice of the Knighthood, with many seasoned and famed knights wishing to facilitate her squireship; she would eventually squire under Dame Heng'e Yue, a fox of Weilin descent serving under Duchess of Kingsgrave, Lady Reyes. 

In squiring under the the Dame Yue, Lyndaria met her 'friend' and eternal rival, the young squire Mahika Sharma, who served under Dame Hana Taiyo, a Pandorican Blade Master who also served under Duchess Reyes. As Taiyo and Yue were rivals, so too did Lyndaria and Mahika pick up a rivalry. A rivalry that would drive Lyndaria to join the Sacred Order of Raven Knights.

Both Lyndaria and Mahika were knighted at the same time and both intended to serve as Knights of Kingsgrave, as Lady Reyes was the vassal Lord for both their families, but a chance encounter with two young Raven Knights, Sir Riyo Vandeleur and Sir Reese Akagi changed all that. Hearing of Mahika's experience as a Rune Knight and training in the Wakokujin blade arts had attracted Sir Reese to Kingsgrave in the hopes of recruiting the young lioness. 

Annoyed that her rival would receive an honor beyond her, Lyndaria wished to impress her own abilities upon the two knights, displaying her mancery in an exhibition with her rival. Though the bought ended in draw as the two kin knocked each other out, Sir Riyo was impressed with Lyndaria's abilities and ferocity. While Sir Reese considered her brash and undisciplined compared to Mahika, Riyo adored the young lynx, showering her with praise. He personally endorsed her application to join the Order and took the young knight under her wing. Earning her undying respect and obvious affections.

Lyndaria is a bit brash, excitable, and quick to anger. Though talented, she is often incredibly proud and this leads her to show off or refuse to accept help. Because of this she is seen as immature, though Riyo believes she just has a few rough edges. The Palawan has taken it upon himself to help Lyndaria buff out those edges and become an excellent Raven; to that end, despite better qualified Ravens under his command, he took Lyndaria on as his adjutant when she was readey.



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