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 I'm collaborating with Reishuseyu on a big multi character action image. I need some specific roles filled so... if anyone wants to be a part of it please note below with a link to their character.
I may do two of these against two different monsters if I get enough interest.

Raven Knight; [Any Species or Gender]
Raven Knights are the titular 'King's Men' from my comic. They come in four varieties, Rangers, Blade Knights, Mages and Clerics. The average Raven Knight uses a variety of magical equipment
and weaponry to complete their tasks. They are the best equipped of the specialist of Lioncourt and have the most well rounded training to deal with supernatural and magical threats. The average
Raven Knight is more than a match for most of the warriors of the realm, and are both feared and respected across Theria.

Dragon Blade; [Any Gender/ Lizard, Wingless Dragon or Kobold]
The Dragon Blades are an organization that directly serve the Saurian Crown. They are gifted swordsmen who have been granted the use of blades made from the bones of the Ancient Feral Dragons.
A dragon blade is the equivalent in power to a standard Raven Knight, however dragonborn; those with dragonsblood are quite a great deal more powerful. Dragon Blades who are of this species are
equivalent in power to the most talented of Raven Knights and are one of the primary forces that lead to the creation of that organization. Dragon Blades are feared across the land for their efficiency
and prowess in the arcane disciplines. They wield enhancement magic and minor combat spells to augment their martial abilities and natural affinity for the arcane.

Strider of Harimal; [Any Gender/ Rabbits and Hares]
Though Lioncourt boast talented and deadly Rangers both in their Ranger Corps. and the Order of Raven Knights, the true Rangers are of Harimal in Leveria. The Leverin rabbits are long lived, with life
spans rivaling that of dragonkin. As such the rangers have much more experience than the there Courtian counterparts, to whom the Leverin trained in the first place. Strider is the rank given to
a senior ranger and most if not all are Harimali. A Strider has mastery of the martial skills of the bow, short sword and deft hand abilities to go along with his ability to manipulate mana to control and
commune with the nature. Not only can they infuse their arrows and blades with mana to devastating effect, but they can both attack and heal with a form of geomancy unique to the Rangers of Harimal.
These specialist also can commune with feral creatures and command lesser beings through their connection in the flow.

Agent of the Nine Tails; [Any Gender; Fox and Fennecs]
Ayers was once a vibrant Kingdom on the edge of the Free Timberlands, but time and misfortune befell them both during and after the 'Baptism of Fire'. Though their Kingdom is currently weak, the
clandestine order that protects the Kingdom is still strong. The Nine Tails is named after Anari, Ayer's patron Eternian. Though she like the rest of the Eternian's were sealed behind the Forbidding, her legacy
lives on in the Nine Tails organization and it's agents. Agents of the Nine Tails is not just well trained spies, thieves, and assassins; they are also trained in the forbidden techniques of mana disruption.
Most Agents aren't able to use magic or manipulate the flow to any large degree, but they have the ability to disrupt it, destroying magical constructs and defenses as well as being able to easily pierce an
opponents 'soul's defense'. Even the mightiest of mages and warriors can fall to a well trained agent if they are not careful. Agent's are usually seen as mercenaries or sell swords, as their skills are rented out
to other governments and organization in an effort to help the financial growth of their Kingdom.

Archmage of the Librarium [Any Species or Gender]
Archmages are powerful magic users who both serve and teach for the Magus Librarium. Three things qualify a mage to become an Archmage in the eyes of the Librarium. First is having an exceptionally
high level Arete, the term meaning an aggregate of their ethereal qualities. A deep 'Spirit Well', high 'Source Retention', vast 'Mana Pool', large 'Bucket Capacity', talented 'Wordsmithing' ability, as well as powerful
and controlled 'Resonance'. Archmages are flat out more powerful than other magic users and are powerful enough to challenge just about any threat in Theria. Most Archmages can also cast quite a few spells
without incantation, relying own hand gestures and name invocation. The most powerful can cast a spell or two with just a thought. Those are the most dangerous.

Librarium Wtich Hunter [Any Species or Gender]
As powerful as a talented Raven Knight, but as rare as a Ariesian Summoner, Witch Hunters are some of the most powerful agents of the Magus Librarium. Those who have magical prowess and potential, but are
poor at actually casting spells are usually trained as Rune Knights, able to pour their magical abilities into the use of magical talismans and equipment, especially their 'Rune Blades', able to focus and cast magic
through these objects. Those who might of been Archmages save for limitations such as these are trained in the ability to directly draw upon and manipulate the flow in order to dispell, disrupt, and destroy the
magic of others. They use this and their martial skill to hunt rogue mages and spellcasters who have become 'witches and warlocks', those who practice subversive magic. A witch hunter is more powerful than
the average Raven Knight, just not better equipped. They can challenge even Raven Knight officers, and have an advantage over most magic users.

Ariesian Summoners [Any Gender/ Sheep or Goats]
Caprica was once known as the magical capitol of Theria, it's borders are home to the largest Mana Spring in Theria, one that rivals the one in Leveria and mana beast run wild and once lived in harmony with
it's people. This was of course until the 'Baptism of Fire', when the Mana Beast began attacking indiscriminately in order to defend the spring and the Mana Trees from the Stone King's armies. Now Caprica is largely
isolated and

Keeper [Any Gender. Any Race]




Well Hot Diggity Darn. It would nice to be able to finally join Monette in the Raven Knights. Likely as a Ranger, (Bow and Dagger-type). Maverik, Male Calico Cat: <a href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/365951292188786688/562481801080340480/ATKMPatreaon_OCT2018_MaveriKat.jpeg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/365951292188786688/562481801080340480/ATKMPatreaon_OCT2018_MaveriKat.jpeg</a>