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It’s been in the docket to design the Queen of Pandorica for quite some time. The one thing we knew about her is that she was going to look young and that she was going to have a strong resemblance to Oni in her design, being the mother. We had quite a few ideas that were eventually sold off, before deciding on what we have here. We’ll do proper character sheets and outfits sometime in the future.

Some quick lore hits about the Queen; Queen Asura Aeon was born to Aarati Nagra a Bharati priestess and noblewoman and Iraian Aeon, cousin to King Arjuna Aeon. 

Asura served as a member of her second cousin’s, and crown Prince Kiritin Red Guard, before eventually serving as the Prince’s right hand and then the ‘Crimson Hand of the King’ as Ajruna’s personal assassin and enforcer.

Asura gave birth to Oni out of wedlock during her time serving the Prince. This was controversial for many reasons. Though it is common place for the crown prince to not only sleep with, but marry out of the members of his red guard, as all are of noble birth; Asura’s pregnancy out of wedlock was an uncommon occurrence. Members of the Red Guard, both male and female take certain drugs that are a form of birth control. For Asura to have become pregnant, she would have had to do so purposely. Asura was sixteen when she gave birth.

Asura was nearly outcasted for becoming pregnant with Kiritin’s child, before it was discovered that Prince Kiritin had ordered that the royal apothecary to change Asura’s elixir for a fertility concoction, as he did not want to enter into a political marriage with the pious daughter of the Yuan clan, Yuan Lei, whom he was betrothed. 

Due to the circumstances and Kiritin’s outright refusal to allow political pressure to make him ostracize Asura, the future Queen was not banished. Instead she was made Crimson Hand of the King and was sent on dangerous missions at the behest of King Arjuna whom wished her to die with honor. She did not die however, having succeeded in even the most dangerous of tasks.

When King Arjuna passed and his son Kiritin ascended to the throne, Kiritin tried to marry Asura, but political pressure prevented this. Though Oni was raised in the castle, he was not named as Crown Prince, as the Council of Red sought a more suitable Queen to marry King Kiritin to bare a pure heir.

Asura served as a front line general during the Valdinian Siege of Pandorica. She fought for and alongside Kiritin until he was mortally wounded at the Battle of Gao. Despite advice from his council to name his brother Sonam king, Kiritin instead married Asura, making her queen via her royal blood and legitimizing his bastard son Oni as crown prince.

Asura, with the help of her allies from Lioncourt were able to win the war with the Valdis and restore peace. Despite the machinations of the Council of Red to place Sonam on the throne, his failures and defeats during the conflict lost him favor with the common kin and many nobles with ties to the Pandorican military.

Asura has not taken a new husband in her time as queen, though the Council of Red have pushed many suitors upon her, chief amongst them being Sonam. Though Asura despises the man for his ill treatment of her and her son, as he was a major proponent for her banishment. Even suggesting baby Oni be euthanized to avoid future political unrest.

There is more, but we’ll get into that proper later. 




Man thje council of red seems like a buncha douches. It also sounds like Pandorica is a place filled with a ton of intrigue. Keep it up you guys.

Seth T

Wow she looks beautiful, well I like the worldbuilding you're doing.