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We're going to be changing how we do things here on the patron after listening to feedback and observing some of the behaviors of our patrons. As follows will be a list of all the changes.

We will no longer be doing the suggestion boxes. Instead we will do polls to determine which images of a set were done. The suggestion boxes were conceived as a way to get the fans involved and give away a little free art, both from us and Reishuseyu, one of our partner artist. However these have been anything but popular and actually waste more time than anything else. I feel an image poll will be better as it doesn't actually require participation or suggestion to get the art going.

As suggested I will be cutting back on the writing and story side of the work. Lore, long descriptions and explanations will be minimize and we will simply focus on posting the artwork. This should streamline peoples experience here on the patreon.

To combat the posting too much and our sporadic, undefined posting times. We have decided to go on a strict posting schedule. Starting next month we will be posting on a 3, 2, 3 cycle. 3 posts the first week. 2 post week two. 3 post the third week and on like that through the month. We will dedicate a day, the last Friday of each month to patreon rewards and do that in a stream. 



Arkanaknight Jaguar

Sad about the writing and lore being cut back. I actually liked that part of these works.


Good !