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Though most of the monsters and creatures created by the power of ascension were sealed in the Elderlands behind the forbidding at the end of the Baptism of Fire; the world is still plagued by their kind. Creatures born of wild mana, subverted and perverted by the misuse of the flow; these monster litter the ruins of fallen Kingdoms and places where most kin dare not tread.

When a group of adventures, Librarium scholars and archaeologist wish to petition the crown for an official expedition to any of these lost lands, a Raven Knight is usually assigned to accompany them. Far from being their to protect the interest of the Courtian Crown, Raven Knights are dispatched to make sure any dangerous magic or beings are not unleashed upon the world.

Oculoriens began appearing in Theria maybe a century before the Baptism, created by some Eternian wizard to protect his temple. These vile creatures use pulsing light in their eyes to lull victims, while their tentacle mouths attack and consume them. Oculoriens are capable of minor magics, such as shooting beams of pressurized mana and of course, wingless flight. Their bit is toxic and can cause a sickness that debiltates it's victims over time and causes them to sweat a pungent scent that oculoriens can track for miles. 

Though dangerous, a seasoned adventure can usually handle several of these creatures at once. A Raven Knight, several dozen; as long as they are not caught unaware. Despite it size and relatively minor threat level one on one, the Oculoriens have been known to menance many small settlements, frequently appearing in caves and ruins where the flow is strong.

Rookie did a fine job with this piece and you should certainly show him some love on his FA page @




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