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I’m not the sort of person who spends his time flustered. I don’t often lose my composure. That’s just not me. So it was a bit of shock to feel that way when he closed the distance between us. Had he been a snake, he’d have bit me. I just stood there, frozen. My body just locked up and I could feel myself trembling. Nervousness, fear and anticipation all began to overwhelm me. It was dreadfully terrifying, but also exciting. All I could think of was;

‘Right here? Really? Out on the village path?’ Sure we were alone and this was a pretty secluded place, no one minded the trails out toward the mountain paths in the winter months, but surely someone might happen by. Did he not care or was he just that bold? I got my answer when he took me by the chin and kissed me. He was just bold.

My mind grew silent for a moment. All I could hear was the sound of my heart thumping in my chest and the shuffling noises we made as our bodies pressed together. It wasn’t at all like I thought it’d be. It was nice. Honestly I had always thought that I would gag a little my first time. I was kissing another man after all. You never really know how you’re going to react. I thought maybe that I’d recoil reflexively and push him away. I worried that I might get upset or be taken aback. I wasn’t of course. I didn’t do any of that. I sort of just… submitted I guess. As his tongue pushed into my parted mouth, I simply went with it. 

He kissed me and I kissed him back. 

I found myself less worried about kissing a male and more about whether or not I was a good kisser. The Kaidon was a great kisser. It felt like he was stealing my breath away. His tongue danced around mine gracefully and I felt a bit inexperienced as time went on. I was enjoying mysey, sure, but I was keenly aware of which of us was leading and who was following. Then it happened, something I never expected. I felt my pants tighten as my cock stiffened. I was completely into it. I don’t know how much time had past, but when it came time to part lips, I was embarrassed to realize I was gripping his neck and didn’t readily want to let him go. 

When I opened my eyes he was smiling at me. A very curious smile. One that said something of what he was thinking.

‘What?’ I demanded. But he just smiled. I looked away, pulling into myself and hugging folding my arms  embarrassed. I felt my ears fold down to the back of my head as I tried not to look at him. His smile didn’t make me uncomfortable, it was his silence. It was like he was waiting for me to say something, but I didn’t know what. So I blurted out;

‘That was nice...’ It sounded stupid and random. He chuckled at me and asked;

‘Was it?’ To which I had no answer. Again the silence fell between us and I grew more self-conscious. 

‘What!?’ I shouted; more flustered than before. I was forgetting my place I knew, but it was hard; It felt like he was judging me with his eyes and it was hard to take the scrutiny. As my tail began to wag out of agitation and my fur bristled, my Kaidon reached and put his hand on my head.

‘You’ve very cute when your nervous. Let see if the rest of you follows suit. Undress for me.’ He ordered.

I didn’t question him, not openly, I was too busy being stunned by how audacious the order was. Oh and believe you me, it was an order. Torian Akuja has a way of speaking that lets you know right away what’s a request and what’s an order. He didn’t sound mean or domineering, just matter of fact. Like he he expected to me to do just as he said. It didn’t leave much room for argument. I didn’t feel like I had no choice though. Just that if I refused the moment would be over. Not wanting the moment to be over, I began to undress right there in the snow. 

Now, my winter coat is pretty thick. You gotta be able to withstand the winters up in the Expanse you know; but I still felt a little chill go up my spine. From the embarrassment, not the cold. My body actually felt warm and it was getting warmer. I wondered if was steaming out there I felt so hot. That didn’t stop me from covering myself, I couldn’t help it, I was trembling. Exposing myself to anyone, especially the Kaidon was embarrassing. I never felt so self conscious. For a moment I wondered would I have done it if anyone else other than he had asked. Did his position and prestige have that much sway over me? It made me feel extremely uncomfortable to think that maybe I was being a bit naive. I looked to his eyes and realized what I thought was wholly depended on what he thought. Had he been standing there, leering at me like a smug pervert, I’d probably have been upset. Perhaps even feeling violated; but his eyes portrayed no such ill will. Instead, he simply appraised me and I have to admit, I was happy to see he liked what he saw.

‘Very nice Kohkari. You are very beautiful.’ he said softly. I thanked him for the compliment and looked away abashed. The simple compliment was enough to dissuade my misgivings.

‘Would you like me to disrobe?’ he asked casually. I didn’t need to think about whether or not I wanted that. I did, of course I did. Every time I tried to think of reasons why I shouldn’t or why this wasn’t right, they got shot down by my desire and need. 

I wanted him to be attracted to me. I wanted him to see me and want me, as I felt I wanted him. Sure, I was worried. After all, you never want to be the stupid little pup who gets seduced by some smooth operator, only to find out you’ve been played. However, I was pretty sure if I were to be played, that would still be kind of hot. 

‘It’s only fair my Kaidon, you’ve seen me.’ I finally said. It sounded good in my ears. I even managed a playful smile and to not blurt out my words like a nervous wreck. 

Torian disrobed carefully, laying his armor in a pile next to him. Now I’ve seen strong, fit, males all my life; but something about the Kaidon really aroused me. Tall, strong and adorned with the scars of a hundred hunts; he was everything you’d expected an Imakandi to be. Right down to the thick brown cock that hung low between his legs. I’m ashamed to admit my cock stiffened at the sight of it. It was impressive and I was a little jealous of its length and girth. My Kaidon noticed me starring and with my hand no longer covering myself, he saw just how my body reacted to the sight of his. 

‘Come over here and kneel down,’ he ordered. I didn’t hesitate. I moved quickly and carefully to rest on my knees before him.

He smelled nice. Like how males ought to smell. Something so masculine about it. I didn’t realize before then, but I really liked that smell. I didn’t wait for him to ask me to do anything. I’d been on the other side of this particular activity, I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too. I had always wondered what it felt like to be on the giving side of a blow job and now I was going to find out. I thought of my time with the girls of the tribe who’d done this for me and I decided I would imitate the things that I liked. I took his shaft in my hand and licked it, running my tongue up it’s length. It turned rigid under my touch. I began to bathe it with my saliva as I trace my tongue all around his thick cock. I could feel his body as it shivered, I wondered if it was the cold or me.

Torian said nothing at first, just exhaled deeply and placed a hand on my head. I was encouraged by the satisfied expression on his face when I looked up at him with his dick in my mouth. I had completely forgotten where we were and what could happen if someone saw us. I just wanted to know what I could do. 

Would I be good at this? Would he be pleased with me? Could I be better than the other women or men he’d been with? 

My pride pushed me to want to find out. I wanted the Kaidon to enjoy his time with me more than anything and the thought of accomplishing that made me hot. I felt my cock get so hard it almost hurt. This was really happening! and I was actually enjoying myself. When he whispered down to me ‘That feels great, Kohkari,’ I almost lost it. I was so gleefully happy that I decided I was going to try something else. Gripping either side of his thighs I prepared myself to try to take his entire length. I wasn’t sure if I could do it, but I was certainly going to try. I was sure he’d enjoy it and that encouraged me to push myself.

It wasn’t easy at first. I gagged quite a few times as I tried to bob my head down faster and push his cock deeper down my throat. He had asked me not to get carried away, worried I was trying too hard, but I didn’t listen. I was going to wrap my lips around that chocolate flesh and take it down deep to his balls. I wanted to suck him until he came in my mouth, and then I would swallow it. I wanted to lick my maw of his cum and have him watch me and how sexy I was \to do that\. I’d always wanted a female to do that for me; I knew he’d enjoy it if I did it for him. So alone together with him in the snow, I pushed past any discomfort and took him deeper into my throat.



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