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Mahika and Lyndaria are two promising young Raven Knights who are incredibly dedicated to their commanders; Sir Riyo and Sir Reese. Despite growing up friends, the two became bitter rivals in their pursuit of joining the Order. Mahika is an abrasive young tigress who grew up as a soldier for house Kingsgrave. Lyn grew up under House Greywers; a vassal house to the Kingsgrave. Having attended the Knight's Academy together the two caught the attention of Duchess Reyes Kingsgrave, who encouraged their rivalry with a promised position in her Crown Guard. When Reyes' former commander of the Crown Guard; Queen joined the Raven Knights; Mahika and Lyn battled to take her place. Both spent two years trying to rise up in the ranks before Lyn was evaluated by the Order. Lyn was eventually supported in her commission to the Order by her eventual commander, Sir Riyo Vandeleur. With Lyn gone, Mahika would have had an easier time becoming leader of the Kingsgrave Guard; but grew depressed with Lyn's absence. Though she would never admit this. Eventually, Mahika was evaluated as well; at the behest of Duchess Reyes and with the recommendation of Lyn. Sir Reese would handle her evaluation, eventually taking the young lioness under his wing and reuniting her with her rival Lyn. Despite their fighting and bickering, the two are often found in each other's company. Many no not what to make of their friendship.



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