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There's so much to her and so much to write, it's gonna be a while til I get this one in.

Dame Jonah Schwarzsturm

“I’ve seen what you’ve got and I’m not impressed.”

Place of Orign: City of Ewegenstein, Kingdom of Schweinhold

Species: Pig

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hair Color: Blonde with Pink Accents

Eye Color: Aquamarine

Class: Heavyarms Swordsman

Specialization: Blade Breaker

Eldeidan: Joyeuse, The King’s Blade

Occupation: Mercenary Captain, Former Raven Knight of Lioncourt, Crown Princess of Schweinhold

Noble Titles:

Crown Princess of Schwinehold, only daughter of King Wilhem von Lechtenschwein, Knight Commander of the Raven Knights of Lioncourt, Baroness of Harrow’s Arc in Lioncourt,

Knightly Deeds:

At eight years of age she single handedly hunted down and killed a feral Elderian beast that had been preying on the citizen of Harrow’s Arc. At twelve she travelled to Dragon’s Reach at the side of her protector Reiner in order to challenge the shades of warrior’s past. She acquitted herself well gaining the notice of the Lioncourt Knighthood. At fourteen she assisted high Sorceress Sierra as they defeated Baldwin Dugard, the former leader of the Cabal of Crows who’d gone mad with power after unlocking but a few secrets of Druid Antediluvian magic. She saved all of Bast when Baldwin, in the form of a magical beast was beheaded by her magically infused sword. At sixteen she and her fellows rescued the Princess Megan from Elderman cultists and prevented the rebirth of an ancient evil. As a full Knight of the Order at the age of twenty, she assisted in saving the rabbits of Levaria. She managed to draw the legendary blade Durendal from it’s resting place, marking her as a worthy warrior of the blade and the Hero of Ages. Though that title was awarded to her compatriot Adolyn Valenerow, he having gained the blade after a series of unlikely and unfortunate events. She was instrumental in defeating the Bone Dragon Garvos, using her skills as a Blade Breaker to keep the beast stunned and occupied while Adolyn delivered the killing blow. As a member of the Nemean Home Guard, she saved the lives of Marquess Palulu and her brother Earl Luthor, when the twins were being targeted by the Argonians pirates for kidnapping. Stood as Archduchess Ariella Assyria’s Champion and slayed the Dragon Knight Brax in open and fair combat. Was instrumental in the Lioncourt counterattack at the Battle of Hearld’s Keep, saving the then Prince Essien de Lioncourt from a Saurian surprise attack and was named Knight Commander of the Raven Knights for her valor and accomplishment. One of only three Knights in the realm to have bested Lord Knight Shina Assyrius in single combat. She has several Obsidian Wings, Crests of Valor and Tourney wins to her credit, as well as numerous classified accolades during her time with the Order.


Jo stands five feet, eight inches tall, with a stocky, yet firm build. She’s said to curve in all the right places. She is freckled face and pink skinned, sharing a nice carnation flesh tone throughout her form. Her freckles cover a good portion of her body, above her breast, on her back and the tips of her ears. Her curly tail is short and unadorned. Her hair is usually cut short and neat... flared out at the ends, with bangs covering the right side of her face.

Though considered quite attractive to most men who encounter her, she comes off just as intimidating as she is beautiful. Her mischievous grins and intimidating leer are often enough to make even the most secure men question their station. She’s very popular amongst the Knighthood, being one of the few suidae species within Lioncourt’s numbers. She’s considered to have the most perfect breast in her graduating class at the Knight’s Academy, an accolade she isn’t too prude or too proud to flaunt to her advantage.


Haughty, impatient and mischievous. One would not think that the young pig from Shweinhold would make a good knight, especially being foreign born. However, Jo isn’t just her impulses. Behind her sneering smile and superior tone is a diligent and earnest soldier with a dedication to her craft that is second to none. Being naturally talented, Jo takes for granted that others have had to work much harder to attain the gifts of strength and skill she’s known all her life. Likewise, her time in the royal court has made her short tempered with anyone she sees as full of it or just plain useless. Being as curt and aggressive as she is, one wouldn’t believe she is the Crown Princess of Shweinhold. When the situation calls for it however, Jo is able to act the part and is capable of all the manners and niceties of her royal station.



Jo was born Crown Princess Jonah Serilda Annette von Lichtenshwein in Castle Heidelberg in 229 AC, on a warm, sunny, summer day to great pomp and circumstance. The first child of King Wilhelm von Lichtenshwein and his wife Queen Hilde Von Lichtenshwein. Though she was meant for a charmed life and eventually rule over the entire Kingdom of Schweinhold, fate would not let it be so. A scandal rocked the Shweinhold nobility when Jo was merely two years of age. The King’s disgraced brother, the High Wizard Jorg von Lichtenshwein; claimed to have seduced the queen with his dark magic and that the child was his. Though the accusations were ridiculous, the history between the King’s brother and the Queen gave the argument credence.

Jorg had been banished from Kingdom and stripped of all of his titles, when, on the King’s wedding day, he’d tried to force himself on Queen to be Hilde. The King’s brother had courted Hilde since childhood and the two had shared a mutual attraction, but when his older brother took interest in Hilde, Jorg was forced to give up his love. Though very much opposed to the King’s hamfisted tactics at courting, Heldi eventually warmedl to Wilhelm’s charms and sensibilities. Furious at her acceptance of his brother, the enchanter used his magic to infiltrate the wedding and confront the Queen to be. Dismissing her ladies in waiting Hilde would meet Jorg alone. Jorg begged the Queen to reconsider their love and rebuff the King. Understanding of Jorg’s feelings and the affections they once shared, Hilde tried to explain that their love could never be. Though she still had feelings for Jorg, she now also loved the King; a love that came with duties and expectations from all the royal court. She begged Jorg to understand the demands of her family and the nobility, but Jorg would not be swayed. He eventually tried to force himself upon her, much to her dismay.

Unbeknownst to the King’s brother, Sir Reiner; First Knight of Schweinhold and Lord Knight of Oldenburg had been watching. An accomplished Blade Breaker, the Knight of Schweinhold had been hiding in the shadows to watch over the Queen. When Jorg assaulted the Queen, Sir Reiner revealed himself. Despite his powerful magics, the Enchanter was no match for the overwhelming aggression of the Blade Breaker. Able to channel energy through his large two handed sword, Sir Reiner could break through even magical defenses. The sorcerer was nearly killed right there in the Queen’s waiting room. Only the mercy of the future Queen stayed the hand of Sir Reiner and Jorg was allowed to escape with his life. Despite the anger of the King who wanted his younger brother hunted down and brought before him, the Queen showed Jorg another mercy; banishing him from Schweinhold lest he incur King Wilhelm's wrath. A kindness that would come back to haunt her.

Outraged, the King ordered his brother seized; but the High Wizards magic had grown much stronger over time and he would not be subdued. Even the King’s elite Knights, the famous Shwarzwind could not stop Jorg from escaping. The entire incident was a black mark on the King and his court. One that would not be forgotten by the Schweinhold nobility. Whispers and rumors flooded the halls of the castle, the Queen's integrity and her first child's legitimacy to the throne were in question. These whispers gave rise to demands that the Queen give birth to a new untainted heir. Though outraged by the demands of his royal court, even the King could not be sure of the truth with magic involved. Much to the Queen’s dismay, Jonah was stripped of her birthright and her claim to the throne would be secondary to any future children.

The birth of Jonah’s younger brother Karsten Gerald von Lichtenshwein ended any hope that she would ever take the crown. This inevitability was not lost on Jonah, who was five years old when her brother was born. Looked on with suspicion and even contempt by most of the royal court, the young piglets childhood was a study in emotional survival. Her father feared getting too close to her, his reservations about the circumstances of her birth kept him from properly loving her. Her mother seemed to love her tremendously, but her behavior toward the child turned cold whenever around the other nobility. She was made to stand up on her own and face their stares of disapproval without the warmth and support of either of her parents. This unfair treatment planted the seeds of bitterness and resentment that would one day blossom into complete contempt for all of the nobility of Schweinhold.

By seven years of age, the young piglet having had enough of Castle life and the disrespect of the court; confronted the King and Queen on their behavior. Accusing her mother and father of not loving her and discarding her with her brothers birth, she demanded to be allowed to leave Ewegenstein. The Queen was heartbroken and initially refused the request, but the young piglet did not back down. Calling out her mother for standing aside and allowing the court to have their way. The King, seeing in Jonah himself for the first time, decided that his daughter would not be happy here in the royal spotlight any longer. The piglet had grown far too much maturity and insight in her young age and the castle was now an unhealthy environment for her. Unable to watch his child be further corrupted by the pressures of the royal court, the King granted the child’s wish, instructing their most trusted Knight Sir Reiner Heinrich to take the child to the Summer Palace in Kerwar in the south.

Jonah adored Sir Reiner and enjoyed his tales of danger and intrigue as a member of the Schwarzwind. These tales of daring are what first interested the young piglet into training as a Breaker. Blade Breakers were Heavy Arms Swordsmen and women who could channel mana through their weapons without aid of runes or special weaponry. Able to negate the weight of a weapon and wield swords of peculiar size and weight like they were nothing. The techniques of a Breaker were designed to disrupt the natural flow of energy in the world and overwhelming it with the energy of the wielder allowing them to break through defenses, be they physical or magical.

Jonah would dedicate herself to the pursuit of becoming a Blade Breaker over the course of the next year, mastering what she could of being a Heavy Arms Knight. Though young and inexperience, Jonah’s dedication and enthusiasm saw her pick up the trades of this particular class quite easily. Sir Reiner would often remark of the young piglets unnatural affinity for combat. She worked daily to increase her physical strength, while focusing her mind and body on being able to perceive and control its inner energies. She studied theory and text when her young body could not handle any more physical strain and started to become possessed with a burning need to master what was a lifetime practice as quickly as possible.

The young piglets training would be put to the test on a visit to Lioncourt Kingdom. In the fall of

237 AC, Sir Reiner would receive an invitation to the wedding of one of his former comrades in arms, Sir Gregory Hoch. Sir Gregory had served in Schwazrwind with Sir Reiner back during the Boarian Uprising and the two had been very close. Having been off put by some of the atrocities committed by both the Schweinhold Knighthood and the Boarian rebels, the younger Knight, of Boarian blood himself, resigned his commission within the Knighthood and left Schweinhold. Because he and Sir Reiner had served under the King with distinction, his family line and name did not suffer when he left his post. The King understood that a Sir Gregory could not unsee some of the things he’d seen. Or live with some of the things the King had commanded of him.

Sir Gregory had settled in Lioncourt, making a wife of one it’s minor nobles and earning himself a formal invitation to Lioncourt’s Knighthood; having impressed the nobility with his honor, skill and of course the fondness of a certain influential family of Hereditary Knights. Sir Gregory’s marriage to Dame Hannah Belfast would take place in the city of Valar, a city that was part of one of the lost baronies, Harrow’s Arc, in Western Assyria. The Lost Baronies were lands within Lioncourt that had no master other than the King. It’s former landholders had either been stripped of their titles or perished in war. These lost baronies were all over Lioncourt after the Baptism of Fire and even after two centuries not all had been claimed or awarded. Such places were excellent for large gatherings of multiple families, where no noble could claim dominance or standing over another. A perfect setting for a wedding.

The festivus event would not go without incident though. Young children, street urchins really, had started to go missing during the week leading up to the wedding. Though rival nobles casted blame upon one another and many others simply did not care, Jo became very concerned when a young street vixen named Lacy whom she’d befriended likewise went missing. Convincing the wife to be Dame Hannah to help her investigate, the young piglet and lioness discovered an Elderian beast had been preying on the citizenry. A creature resembling some kind of blank face scarecrow with long clawed hands and a void for a mouth attacked them.

The creature proved to be formidable, but Dame Hannah was an experience Knight who had fought alongside the Border Legion for many years. Having dealt with the creatures of the ‘Mist Marsh’ where the Forbidding was thin, she’d some experience with otherworldly dangers. With Jo proving to be a valuable companion using the skills she was taught as a Breaker, they nearly subdued the beast. But this would not last, the true horror of the creature would be revealed, when close to defeat, it let out a loud whale calling it’s ‘children’ to it.

In a sick twist of fate, the stolen children had been subverted by the creature into small versions of itself. Though recognizable as who they once were, barely, they took on aspect of the hideous creature. They swarmed and attacked, defending the beast and pressing the two females back. The creature must have been busy as there were nearly a hundred of the children all lashing out to attack. Dame Hannah and the young princess had to retreat back to the safety of the city.

The nobles were under siege by the small creatures and a plan was concocted to kill them all. Despite Jo’s insistence that the children could be saved. Having used her Mana breaking skills on one of them in her escape, she felt the link between the creature and his victims. She was certain that killing the beast would free the children of it’s thrall. Despite her certainty, no one was willing to listen to a child. Though Dame Hannah and her future husband Sir Gregory spoke up for the girl. They were outvoted by the other nobles and Jo’s please fell on deaf ears. Jo contemplated using her name and title to sway the nobles, but Sir Reiner reminded the young princess that they were a guest in Lioncourt and that her heritage must be kept a secret. Angry Jo stormed off, she would not be seen again that night.

While the adults made their plans, Jo snuck out of the safety of the Manor. Using herself as bait, knowing the creature would come for another child alone on the city streets; she lured the beast to her. Using every fiber of her training she took on the beast. Though the beast was ferocious and powerful, it had never encountered anyone with Jo’s unique set of skills, she was certain Sir Reiner would have made short work of it. It relied too much on magic for defense and she continually broke it down turning the energies of the world back on the creature. Jo would go on to slay the beast, but at a heavy personal cost.

Fearing it’s inevitable defeat and in desperation, the creature had called one of its thralls to it to use as a shield. Jo was unable to stop herself as she struck down the child and the beast with a mighty blow. With the creature dead, the child began to regain it’s original form. Lying there lifeless, was the friend she made, Lacy. The vixen whom she had grown fond of over the course of the week was now dead by her hands. Jo was crushed by the loss, holding the child, crying into her lifeless body. Unaware that her battle had attracted not only some of the townspeople, but many of the nobles, including Sir Reiner and Sir Gregory who had been looking for her. Though she was correct in assuming that destroying the beast would free the children, it came as no consultation to the death of her friend.

Defeating an elderian beast single handedly was a quite the accomplishment. The deed gained Jonah the notice of the Lioncourt nobility, specifically, Archduchess Ariella Assyria. With the Archduchess blessing, Jo was gifted lands and titles within Harrow’s Arc, as well as an invitation to the Lioncourt Knighthood and an oppurtunity to serve within the Archduchess’ Home Guard. Despite the praise and adoration she received, Jonah was so hearbroken at the loss of her friend that she declined, leaving Lioncourt after the wedding; however the titles and respect she had won for her heroics were accepted by Sir Reiner on her behalf.

The young piglet would return the Summer Palace in Schweinhold, seeing her parents barely a handful of times over the course of the next three years. During these days, Jo did not leave

Kerwar, instead focusing on her training. Intending to hone her skills and eventually become a Knight of Schweinhold. It was her dream to lead the Schwarzwind and prove her worthiness to the Kingdom by becoming the power behind her brother, the future king. She’d shared this plan with Sir Reiner and even mentioned it to her mother and father in passing. She worked hard to become the best candidate, knowing that she could enter the Knight’s Academy when she turned twelve. However, her dreams would not come to fruition.

When the nobility got wind of Jo’s plans, they petitioned the crown to block her passage into the Knighthood. Despite her skill and having one of the greatest of the Knights of Schweinhold as her teacher and the one who nominated her for the Academy, the nobles questioned Jo loyalty. Some still fearing her to be the daughter of Jorg. Others unwilling to believe a princess had the necessary skills to become a true Knight. Some were traditionalist and disliked the idea of a high born noble in that kind of position. Jo was furious when she learned of her parents gave into the pressure of the court. Angered by this latest act of betrayal, she left Schwinehold for good promising never to return. Sir Reiner would leave with her, promising the Queen he’d watch over her daughter. Jo would return to Assyria and with the sponsorship of Archduchess Ariella, join the Knight’s Academy in Naveah.

In Naveah Jo quickly set herself apart from other squires in the academy. She was as talented in the classroom as she was on the battlefield, and took her her squires duties seriously. She squired for both Lord Knight Amberlynn Highever of Captain of the Assyrian Home Guard and Sir Craelyn Yorel; a famous tourney knight. At the top of her class, she was known as one of the four roses of the Assyrian Knights Academy. Out of herself, the Archduchess’ own daughter, the indomitable Ashina Assyrius, Myrilia Fanchon and Aritrea Eridanus, Jonah was considered the most deadly of the roses.

Jonah’s reputation would earn her an opportunity to squire for the Archduchess on her campaign North to subdue wildering raiders who had formed a massive society of cut throats determined to harass the surrounding Kingdoms. The Four Roses served as shield bearers for the Archduchess, Dame Amberlynn and Ariella’s eldest son, the young Knight Cailan Assyrius. Jonah had the honor of serving under Lord Cailan, the Assyrian Heir. Though the boy was fierce and talented, he did not have his sister or his mother’s grace. He was prone to arrogance and often over committed in battles. A trait noted by his mother. Jonah gained great respect from the senior Knights when she refused to step in and shield his back during one of the young lords particularly unwise advances. Jonah watched as he was knocked off his mount and only stepped in when it seemed the boy could be hurt. Though Lord Cailan was furious that Jonah did not cover his backside, she reminded him that he was not to break formation and he had several times that day. Jonah told the lord to his face that she let him fall so he could see that his foolishness would get him killed and she warned that she would not step in to save him again. Lord Cailan was furious and demanded a new shield bearer, but his mother sided with Jonah. Cailan would finish the two week campaign with Jo as his shield bearer.

Despite his earlier disdain for her, Lord Cailan grew to respect and even like Jo over the course of the two weeks. Other than his sister Ashina and his mother, most never spoke an ill word to the young heir. Jo’s indifference to him became an attractive quality and he began to pursue a relationship with her. Though Cailan was nineteen and Jo was only fourteen at the time, Jo saw nothing wrong with entering into a relationship with the young Lord. The two would meet each other in secret for many months after their initial time together and Jo would give her virginity to the young Assyrian Lord on his twentieth naming day. When Ariella found out about the relationship, she was ecstatic. Feeling that a union between Jo and Cailan would be mutually beneficial.

Though Jonah had fooled many into believing she was no one special, Ariella Assyrius had not been one of them. A shrewed woman of the world, Ariella had been all around Theria. As the northernmost province and commander of the Kingdom's largest organized army, the Archduchess was well in the know of the goings on of other Kingdoms. Though Schwinehold wasn't particularly close to Lioncourt, being up north past the Naedlynn Plains near Stallios, Ariella had a bit of a relationship with nobility. Specifically, she had fought in the northern campaigns as Lioncourt had tried, like other Kingdoms to claim the bounty of the Kingdoms that had fallen during the Baptism. The Archduchess didn’t know Jonah persay, but she had known Sir Reiner. She never forgot anyone she had clashed swords with. Knowing who Reiner was and having heard passing gossip of the goings on in Schwinehold, the Archduchess deduced Jonah’s identity easy enough.

When a marriage proposal was presented to Jonah, she freaked out. Not wanting anything to do with being part of the aristocracy again. Much to Cailan’s dismay, Jonah flatly refused and broke of her relationship with the young lord. This act would cause a tensions between herself and her friend and fellow rose Ashina. The twos sparring and friendly competitions would flourish into a bitter rivalry. This animosity would break up the quintet with Myrilia siding with Ashina and Aritrea siding with Jo. The entire situation would take a turn for the worse when a simple proving turned into a two on two death battle, when the roses decided to forgo their practice swords for real ones. After Aritrea seriously injured Myrilla the girls were stopped by the intervention of the Academy’s First Knight, Sir Bradley Wayland. Having had enough of the girls constant clashing, Sir Bradley sponsored Aritrea and Jonah to be accepted at the Grand Academy in Bast. On the outside it would be seen as a great honor, but everyone knew he’d done it to keep the Assyrian royalty happy.

Myrilia’s injury had shaken both Jo and Aritrea, who made peace with the young leopard. Though many thought Ashina would be happy to see Jo leave, the young lioness was broken up. She had approved of Jo and Cailan’s relationship and had been insulted by Jo’s refusal to join her family. Now that Jo and Aritrea were leaving, Ashina admitted that she was sad to lose her friend. The four roses parted on good terms.

To Be Continued...



Arkanaknight Jaguar

The deep backgrounds are one of my favorite things about this series. Me thinks Jonah's weapon preference and love of large men is no coincidence.