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Cassius counts Adolyn as his first true love and though he knows he may never have the count in the way he wants him, he is content with their relationship. Cassie has dedicated his life to the Order because Adolyn and his brother Glendriel had done so before him; but no one mistakes where the young boys loyalties lie. The young Count has Cassie's complete devotion, though the trifles of his birth and the pact made with the Druids complicates his motivations. But Cassie believes he was born for Adolyn and for better or worse, he'll stick by his Pimus; to the end.

The art for this piece was done by the talented Reishuseyu who can be found on FA. He will be doing quite a few pieces for us in the future so you may wanna get used to seeing work from him, so check him out on FA @




Arkanaknight Jaguar

More like "His Primus will stick it in his end".😄 Plus why does the word trap keep appearing in the tags?


I kind of follow tagging like danbooru, there is no femboi tag on those sites, that is filled with the tage 'trap'