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The Saurian society is ruled by those who trace their lineage back to the feral dragons of old. Though the true dragons are all but gone, Dragonkin and Dragonborn still exist. Dragonkin are the closest related to the bloodlines and have wings, many carry the blood of the Dragons of the Four Corners and are respected and even worshiped by most Saurians.

The current ruler of Sauria is Queen Corelia; the widow of the Dread King Mizer. During the Dread King's rule, he and his wife rarely saw eye to eye. A political marriage, Mizer only married Corelia as she was a Highborn Dragonkin of Drakon. As a direct descendant of Harad of the North, she was seen as an almost religious figure to the Saurians. As a dragonkin, she is vocally opposed to any unwarranted hostilities between the races. The dragonkin of Drakon not prone to senseless violence. This however should not be mistaken for pacifism.

Within the Dragon's Guard; warriors trained in the ancient ways who protect the Saurian Royal family, their are a number of warriors hand picked who answer only to the queen; her 'Dragon Blades'. These warrior elite are given eldeidan and tasked with missions of importance to Queen and crowd.

During the battle of 'Herald's Keep' where King Mizer acted out his treacherous assassination of King Legault of Lioncourt, the Dragon Blades had been tasked with finding out what the King was up to and proventing anything that would escalate the war. Their efforts were in vain as the King personally poisoned Legault by ingesting the venom and spitting it into the lion king's face. Mizers forces then attacked the keep in full force, having used the last wyverns to secretly bring soldiers into the area in the dead of night. A move that the pridelanders did not suspect as wyverns were an endangered species after the Baptism and Saurians had refused to risk their numbers in war for the last two hundred years. The battle of saw hundreds and dragoon riders descend upon the keep.

Sir Galendal the first blade, Sir Arkant, Sir Axim and several other blades were caught unaware and were unable to stop themselves from being embroiled in the battles. The blades tried in vain to end the hostilities, but ended up having to fight a long side the forces loyal to the King. When the Dragon Guard fled the keep with the Mizers body after he had died from being stabbed in the chest by King Legault, it was the blades who took control of the armies in order to save the most amount of Saurian lives. With the Border Legion pushing from the west, blocking a land exit and the redoubled support of western pridelanders, the Saurian officers may well have been wiped out, as their commanders had over committed.

The blades opted to retreat their forces north, fighting through the smaller forces of the border legion toward the Kingdom of Argoria. This retreat saved many lives, but a large number of Saurian troops were left behind, many who refused to give up the fight.

Sir Galendal's decision was not a popular one back in Sauria after the fact. He and his blades were accused of undermining the battle effort and it was believed had they supported the troops the battle would have been one. This despite the fact that the blades did indeed support the battle until defeat was inevitable. With her son vying to be placed as King in his fathers absence, the Queen used her birthright and authority to stall the succession, placing herself as Queen Regent. In order to appease the nobility, she publically admonished the blades, dismissing them from service and stripping them of their titles. Privately, she rewarded many of them and continues to rely on them.

Those stripped of their honor, like Sir Galendal, Sir Arkant, Sir Axim and Sir Mendal are considered the 'Lost Blades'. Largely unwelcome by the nobility, they live as sell swords and mercenaries, but secretly still are in the employ of the Queen, using their disgrace to their advantage.




I really do love how this turned out.