I'm Sorry... (Patreon)
Sorry guys if I disappear for the next few weeks.
My life is officially in shit and if I don't find a solution on the 16th I'll be homeless, with two disabled family members and a minor with me.
We are entitled to social housing, but whoever manages the file for some reason is not giving us what we are entitled to.
Still no key or house...
I just hope that when I get home from Paris my mother will have found a solution.
(and I'm only going on a trip because the trip was a birthday present...)
The money I earn is not enough for all the expenses we have and I don't have enough time to find a solution.
Thank you for the support given to me so far, but I'm not sure I can guarantee low at least until the 20th of this month (if a miracle will happen)... so don't feel guilty if you decide to cancel your subscription.
In case you can re-subscribe later.
But I admit that if you Will believe in me I will do everything to draw and don't abandon everything.
I know that at the moment there are people who have bigger problems.
Many face war and I shouldn't complain.
But this is the situation and I can't think of anything else that all efforts have been in vain...
Thank you for your time.
See ya.