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Mahina (CloudInsect)

My Patrons will get (will send to you via message at the beginning of next month) :

>(Knight) full size 4k image without watermark

>(Black Knight) full size 8k image without watermark

>(Templar)  8k image, PSD file with layers, and brush set, tool presents

>(Angel & Asura)HD,  full normal speed process video.

This reward will be included in the First reward package of October 2023, and will send to you on 1st November 2023.

月牙儿 (雲蟲)


>(Knight階) 將獲得4k分辨率無水印高清壁紙

>(Black Knight階) 將獲得4k和8k分辨率無水印高清壁紙

>(Templar階) 將獲得4k和8k分辨率無水印高清壁紙,PSD分層源文件,和photoshop中適用的筆刷文件

>(Angel及Asura階) 將獲得4k和8k分辨率無水印高清壁紙,PSD分層源文件,和photoshop中適用的筆刷文件,高清原速繪畫過程視頻(photoshop)
