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November Term 1 complete!  Rewards Package 1 will send out on December 7th!

Thank you for your support and I'll keep up creating more interesting things for you!




Hi wlop i really like your work, i just wanted to know if I will receive this november package because i just became a patron or will i have to wait until next reward cycle ?


Hm... Not sure if I got the package or not, because I don't see any links or have received any email. But I am being charged $50 so far. They're still pending because it keeps saying payment failed.


Hi, Yumeki, I check the record but it seems you are not my patreon yet? This rewards term was already finished, but you can still get it if you become a $10 tier patreon of mice.


Hi zaimul, yes you can got this package if your payment process successfully, but I checked the record and seems your payment didn't go though. Please check your payment setting, credit card or paypal, update the info, or change anther card(seems there is something wrong with your credit card)


How will I know I am charged already?


Hi wlop I repledged again (since you said I wasn't on your record), I hope I'm one of your supporters now :) and I love your work ^_^


Hi Jowie, usually you will be charged during the first week of a month. And you will receive email notification when you are charged.


Hi Wlop! I started supporting you arount 10/11/15, do I have recived the package yet or do I have to wait until 7/12? Sorry, it's the first time for me and I don't know what to do :'c




Are you coming out with another chapter of GB? I can't wait!