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My Patrons will get (will send to you via message at the beginning of next month) :

>(Knight) full size 4k image without watermark

>(Black Knight) full size 8k image without watermark

>(Angel & Asura)8k image, PSD file with layers, and brush set, tool presents,HD,  full normal painting speed process video.

This reward will be included in the Second reward package of May 2024, and will send to you on 1st June 2024.


>(Knight階) 將獲得4k分辨率無水印高清壁紙

>(Black Knight階) 將獲得4k和8k分辨率無水印高清壁紙

>(Angel及Asura階) 將獲得4k和8k分辨率無水印高清壁紙,PSD分層源文件,和photoshop中適用的筆刷文件,高清原速繪畫過程視頻(photoshop)




Aml Zaky

How come that you can surpass yourself every time ! Absolutely incredible

Jason Barrett

Just letting you know, the images shown here are different than the ones actually in the GumRoad download. It has two background images not show here, but leaves out the the indivual portraits of the two characters.